Meet The Spartans

Argh, america so stupid! Anyone who saw the previews for that and said "that looks awesome!" should have their ability to vote revoked forever. The fact that it was the #1 movie is a complete travesty, and only guarantees that a lot more crap like this is going to be made.
I lucked out, ladies and gents... The g/f got called into work the day we were going to go.
anyone who got (or almost got) dragged to this movie by a significant other has some serious breaking up to do. that **** is whack.

Not Another Teen Movie was the only recent "mish-mash" spoof to even remotely succeed. when the first scene involves a massive dildo landing in a birthday cake, a priest, little brother, grandma, and special needs kids.... you have a winner.
Come on people, get out of your Ivory Towers and arthouse pre-screenings of relevant films, drive out to your 20+ screen suburbia movie theater on a Friday night and meet America!!!
Mac makes a good point. We humans might have have already lost the war with the Pods. I think the turning point must have happened right about the time "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?" and "Survivor" topped the TV ratings.

Don't cry for me... I'm already dead.
I would say it is the catalyst. You were secretly injected if you went and saw Epic Movie. When you come back for Meet the Spartans, the vent a gas into the theater that reacts with the injection and turns you into a zombie...

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