Matt Barnes to Raptors?

Not really agreeing or disagreeing, Blake. Just adding some specific numbers. I think too often we all have ideas about what happened in the past and fail to do a little fact checking against our perceptions.

I think in general that Barnes has gotten pretty good but not remarkable results from his players. I also think that Texas fans (me included) tend to view the incoming players optimistically. I don't think Barnes has heroically transformed average talent into high quality Div 1 teams, but I don't think he has failed to get better than just reasonable results from his players. I do think the perception of Barnes as getting more from less in the first half of his tenure at Texas and less with more has an air of validity to it, but I'm not sure that perception shouldn't be more greatly tempered than it is by a recognition that college freshmen generally don't win championships, no matter how talented they are.

I do think Barnes has failed to get much progress from his interior recruits over the last 4 years, and that troubles me greatly. Outside of Atchley developing a pick and pop game and Pittman managing to stay on the floor for 19 minutes a game as a senior, the growth chart of Texas players not named Durant and over 6'7" tall is a flat line. On the other hand, I think the idea that DJ Augustin came here as an unquestioned super guard talent is somewhat a fallacy.
(Oh, and you did mention Gibson).

The last two years have been disappointing; there's no doubt about that, but the idea that Barnes has squandered an incredible wealth of talent is more than just a bit over the top.

Now, if he doesn't do better over the next couple of years, I'll be ready to revise that opinion, but I'm currently questioning whether Texas will have any kind of effective interior game over the next two seasons.
Wow, you're completely right about that Gibson comment. I don't know what I was thinking. Sorry.

I guess I feel very similarly to you in regards to Barnes.

Pros: He's helped to energize fan support/enthusiasm for the team, he's put us in contention for very high ranking recruits year in and year out, he's obviously succeeded in some way with the Final Four appearance and Elite Eight appearances, and he seems very loyal to his current job.

Cons: He seems to lose contact with his players and grind them into the ground, he's a terrible offensive coach, he can't coach zone defense very well, he consistently underperforms "expectations," his development of big men lately has been laughable.

My apologies if I came off as defensive, Don. That wasn't my intention.
No problem, Blake. I didn't think you were calling me out or getting defensive; just thought you were inviting me to give an opinion.

(I remember some time ago someone on a message board complained I was just "puking facts" and not giving my opinion. That was pretty funny.)
bierce: The puking facts comment made me literally laugh out loud. I personally don't know what's wrong with giving a factual basis for an opinion, so that's an odd sentiment for whomever that was.

3ball: That's crazy (if true) about Baylor not practicing that zone. I know their team was basically handpicked from Heaven for that defense, but to not even practice rotations (other than just scrimmaging in practice) and trap principles and to still be that dominant is pretty impressive IMO.
Yeah, I thought so too. He said they spent their defensive segments working on man to man drills. He felt like there was some carry over.

Drew also said that a lot of their weaknesses in the zone where covered up with their length, which I totally agree with. I was at the Baylor/ Duke game and I swear Anthony Jones was WAY too high on the backside all game. But because of their length I don't think Duke could tell. If they did, they didn't make Baylor pay.
The irony is that until they were picked to win the league (which I think was 2006), Barnes teams basically surpassed expectations every year except '05, when they lost Tucker and Aldridge at midseason. I can grab my summary somewhere.

And, save for '08, when they had Augustin at PG, his better teams have had decent numbers of upperclassmen. I haven't looked it up, but I suspect this is true, by and large, for coaches generally.

When you don't have experience (or a decent PG), you don't have a big margin for error. I go back and forth on how bad last season was... how can you get to No. 1 -- for the first time in school history -- and think of it as a bad season? If they'd lost to UNC or Michigan State, or both, for example, people might have seen 2010 for what it was going to be.

"Puking facts." Gotta love that.

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