Manny Diaz to Miami

My friend who is a Mississippi State alum texted me and is ecstatic about not having Diaz on their staff anymore.
I wish him well too.
That coaching staff was dysfunctional, as evidenced by that interaction in Joe Fan's last post.
What you don't see at the end of that GIF is how Akina then turned on Mack and screamed at him too before storming off. It was like Akina realized it was no use screaming at Diaz who was like a deer in the headlights and Mack was to blame anyway. That was an ugly scene.
It was at that point that I knew Mack, the impeccable CEO coach, was no longer doing a good job of CEOing.
In the right environment, maybe Manny will be a good DC.
What you don't see at the end of that GIF is how Akina then turned on Mack and screamed at him too before storming off. It was like Akina realized it was no use screaming at Diaz who was like a deer in the headlights and Mack was to blame anyway. That was an ugly scene.

I remember this clip right after that train wreck of a game. Akina was furious, and totally disgusted with the whole thing (which we don't see). I wish I could know what he said to Mack. Mack looks like he's totally clueless! I had a feeling the season was going down the crapper from that point. At least Robinson got the D playing better, but it too late to save Mack.

I hope it works out better for Manny in Miami, but somehow, I doubt it will.
Wrong!!!! His players here sucked. Couldn't tackle. Mack hired Diaz because several coaches around the country swore by him. Many Diaz is a GREAT DC. How does he look now with "real" players? How has the "turnover chain" worked out? Again, our players are NOT near as good as most think. It is NOT the coaching. It is the coaches that recruited these clowns. Talent pool is low. Fact! 6-7, 5-7, 5-7, and now 6-6. I get sick of the chuck strong supporters claiming Charlie recruited well. NO he did not!!!! Charlie was a "train wreck" and set us back 5 years. Fact. Inability to recruit and coach. Red was right all along.
I also believe that Manny was the victim of petty inter-office politics as Duane Akina and he never saw eye to eye, and Mack failed to step in and straighten them out.

Thus, we had a DC and a secondary that were not on the same page.
Also ... Malcom Brown, Cedric Reed, Chris Whaley, Carrington Byndom, Duke Thomas, and Jordan Hicks (who was healthy when Diaz was here) sucked?
I also believe that Manny was the victim of petty inter-office politics as Duane Akina

Ding, ding, ding, We have a winner. Duane Akina was a cancer that MD Anderson couldn't cure.

That said, I have posted many times that Diaz was hired without Mack performing any due diligence other than calling Bubba, Billy Bob, and Bobby Jack to ask, "What do you think". One phone call to someone that won't blow smoke up your *** would have gotten this:

His first year at Miss State, he had three high draft picks on his defensive line. After they left, so did the lofty statistical ranking. Years 2 & 3 were not so good. Be careful. Those are nearly the exact words of the coach I respect more than any other when it comes to Xs & Os; also a coach that DKR prevented Fred from hiring.

Diaz is a good guy, who had constant interference from Akina, no support from MB. I wish him well, but don't wish him back on the 40 Acres.
I'll never forget watching Duane Akina dress down Manny on the sideline during the BYU game. And then turn on Mack and scream at him too. Mack's face said it all.

That was about the time I decided that Mack was not going to get the ship righted. 2+ years after he supposedly resolved to renew the fire in his belly, he was still asleep at the wheel.
The Duane Akina experiment at DC in 2007 needed Larry Mac Duff as a babysitter for him because he was such a loose cannon. There's a reason Muschamp was brought in the following season.
Duane Akina was a great Defensive Backs coach and a bad D/C (although part of the problem with him as D/C may have been that that meant a downgrade at the position of Defensive Backs Coach). But not sure if his year at D/C means anything negative for all the other years he was here - just like, say, Wade Phillips failing as a head coach shouldn't detract from how good of a coordinator he was.