Malcolm Brown/Aaron Green

The point is that if Brown or Green don't want to come here we need to look for a good RB even if out of state. This OL and QB we have ocming are going to be an RB's dream and someone should realize it.
I agree Third. I know we can't get all we want but if they choose somewhere else I always wish them the best as long as it doesn't adversely affect UT. Of course they should be mature enough to be like Mr. Hicks who didn't knock any of the other schools but just said UT was the right one for him. And this even though some of the reporters in an unprofessional way tried to get him to say something adverse but he held his own.

It is when they knock us that I can't really wish them the best.
Like AP who knocked us on our conditioning and said OK was where he could win an NC. (Poetic just there). Or RP who was most disrespectful. All RP had to say was that he at the end felt like LSU was best for him and drop it at that. And look at Mr. Scott who chose Colorado and had to knock Major in his choice. And we had one recruit that was disrespectful and lied in an essay about a UT party.
I wonder if they are waiting and seeing if someone separates themselves in the RB position this fall. Also, they may know how good Shead want to see if he has a start like Adrian Peterson did his freshman year.
They will go where they feel they will succeed the most regardless what we think. I remember when I was a senior in High School in Austin, going out of town or out of state seemed appealing to me. But, I came to my senses and went to UT and no regrets.
I think Newton would be awesome with a great o line.
Explosive speed. Think Jamaal Charles without the fumbles.

Unfortunately, a great o line we no gots at the moment. So you need a beefy, yards after contact guy like Earl or Mark Ingram. Also no gots. Maybe alternating Johnson and Whalen to keep them fresh would wear down a good defense.
I'm betting Brown really likes and is considering both Alabama and Texas. Who knows what will be the deciding factor. Could be a coach (former or prospective), could be an uncle.

Green I think it's between Nebraska and Texas. He has a big brother at Nebraska but the conference shuffle might help Texas. I wonder what was going through his mind during last year's Big 12 Championship game? I'm sure he was pulling for his brother but I wonder if he realized if he had been on either team it probably would have been the difference.
I personally have been excited about Shead. They only reason he wasn't considered a real hot commodity was the fact that he played for a really small school. Regardless of that, play the below video, wait for the hit he delivers around the 17 second mark, and tell me that doesn't excite you. Shead's Earl like hit at the goal line.
Traylon Shead is the Colt McCoy of the RB position. Once he becomes a star, everyone will look at his HS career and say "Of course he was going to be great, it was obvious all along." Those pictures of him coming into the dorms looked awesome, as far as his physique. Adrian Peterson, well, no.
The reason why Malcolm Brown and Aaron Green are considered better prospects than Traylon Shead is because they have already shown they can run over (or run circles around) Division 4A talent. Traylon Shead has consistently run over Division 1A talent.

The difference is UT and OU, and most of the true football powers are full of 4A talent, with a few outstanding stars from smaller schools. 1A talent is what fills up Texas A&M right now. They're dying to tell you about the new guys they just got from that school outside of Lufkin.

Edit: No offense to Lufkin.
I don't think anyone is arguing that Shead's competition in H.S. was equal to that of Brown/ Green's. I think we're just saying we're excited about Shead's potential. We've had several small school recruits do just fine for us in the past, I think everyone is hoping that Shead does the same.
Yeah, the truth may well fall between two extremes here. Comparisons to AD are premature. On the other hand, there have been some special RB's from small schools--Billy Sims from Hooks, and David Overstreet from Big Sandy come to mind. TS's production on the field exceeds them all. Whatever happens, there should be outstanding competition and the cream that rises to the crop will be very sweet indeed.
I saw Traylon Shead in a playoff game last fall and he didn't show much against Mart but i don't know if he was hurt or sick or something. I do know that the tempeture was below 40.
Actually, yes, it was very much insinuated that that was a distinct possibility. My point is that there is not even a possibility that it will happen, so Brown and Green are certainly not worried about it. As fat as Johnson and Whaley may be, they are both expected by everybody even remotely familiar with the UT football team to be ahead of Shead. So yes, 6th on the depth chart is exactly where he is expected to start and likely will finish. I fully expect him to RS.
Regarding the AD comparison, I wasn't saying Shead was going to be the next Adrian Peterson. But there have been running backs that produced right from the start like AD, Ricky, Cedric Benson, etc.

I'll say that any comparison of Shead to AD, including one on my part, is premature and unfair. He could become a bust.
But, because Shead does have the High School record in rushing yards, he may also be the real deal. Talent is talent regardless of classificaton. Mack also has high expectations to win every game and he's not going to waste scholarships on people who don't have talent. Especially at a need position.

But I would feel better if Malcolm Brown and/or Aaron Green commit to us.
I would be one happy person if Shead became the player some are touting him to be. I personally will take a wait and see approach with him.

In the mean time, I still really want Brown and Green. I will be at their game this year which is supposed to be on ESPN.

What would make it a fantastic night if both announced to Texas that day in front of a live national audience.
We have to remember that in the past we have had some great players from the smaller schools. Remember Steve McMichael and Jim Aker were from Freer and did very good for us. Also Scott Appleton came from Brady and was a great DL for us. These are just some of the ones that came from small schools and towns so we must remember that sometimes jems come from smaller places.
Leonard Davis was from a 1A school. Sure, it is easier to standout there, but some of those guys standout in college and the NFL. Maybe Shead will be one of them.

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