15 of the 28 passes that the horns completed were passes to the tight end or running backs. the screen play was executed much more efficiently against FAU than we've seen for a long time. The horns started the game thowing almost exclusively short passes. Because of this, Colt got into a nice rhythm.
Last season the offense (including colt) got chaotic quite often. Part of the difference is a better O line but part of the difference is a much better short passing game, much better check downs by Colt when the primary targets were covered, excellent running by Colt on the draw and QB rollout, and much, much less trying to force the ball into double coverage. Colt took what the D gave him. He demonstrated much better judgement against FAU than he did in many games last season.
Colt really throws well on the rollout. when he is rolling out, he is running fast so it takes a lot of skill to pass accurately when you are on the dead run (but he does this very well). This puts a lot of pressure on the D. If they come up to stop the run, he can pass it accurately. If they stay back, he can run for an easy 10 yards and get out of bounds without taking a hit (in bounds, anyway).
I'm not a big fan of Colt running the QB zone read vs. OU but I think there is a pretty decent chance that he can run the QB draw and the QB rollout vs OU efficiently. He really gets it when it comes to broken field running.
I am pretty sure Major is having a major impact on the horns' O strategy and think it is huge for him to be on the sidelines. So much communication between people is non verbal so it helps that Major is there to talk to Colt (in addition to GD on the headphones, of course).