Mack responds to NYT article

This is a stunning example of poor journalistic integrity by the NYT. Stunning. I doubt the Daily Texan would run an article from such a weak source and without checking the facts.
Agree with Mack's analysis and response. Any article connected to the "NY Times" and "recruiting" should be taken with a grain of salt.
All of this has been onsided from the beginning and I never understood why there was so much uproar. Now that we have seen the facts come out there isn't much to see here.
Reading teh piece by Ice Man (in Comments section) and seeing the (albeit anonymous) quotes by the LSU coahing staffer, its clear that this thing is far from over.

The NCAA may, very well, look into this whole sordid mess; I think that we (Texas) should insist on it.

And Thaer may actually get thlapped in the fath by the New York Timeth!

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