No Monahorns... NONE of it was true. Didn't you read his post? NONE!
My point - and the point of people like the author - isn't to make McCarthy a hero. It's to point out that large segments of the left has consistently silenced any thought that communism might be a negative force. They pushed Stalin as ... we.., as NOT a monster. They backed Ortega. They backed Castro. A few of them even backed Chavez. Basically if you want lib support, raise an army, start a revolution and claim that your country's socialist now. They'll throw you a benefit and make a documentary of your life.
The point is that that name-calling and finger-pointing always comes out rather than addressing the issue. It's not enough that Cruz is wrong for pushing for a conditional shutdown - he has to be EVIL. He has to be a monster!
It's not revising history to say that oh, by the way, it turns out we did have an issue with communists and Stalin agents in the state department.
And if you'll notice that chango - rather than actually addressing the points raised by the author - changes the subject to something that as far as I know, the author never claims. Because it's easier than admitting that someone on the right has a point about something or that someone on the left is wrong about something.