Loston isn't coming to Texas.
A very good source said to me last nite, "He hates Texas. I don't know why."
He and other Eisenhower Eagles are leaning OU, and a lesser source says Loston may be looking at Florida (which I doubt will happen, but I'm sure they're after him, too.)
Loston is a heavy hitter and plays with fire.
There is another Eisenhower DB we should be pushing - Verlis Martin. He's 6'0" and ran a hand timed 4.38 40 (probably closer to 4.43). He has very good ball skills, but needs to gain about 20 pounds (currently about 160) to help him better cover the run and stay injury free. He's also an OU lean, but we could get him if we pushed. He's good in cover 1 and in zone. He has good ball skills and is very coachable. He was injured for three games last year, but he's the fastest and best CB for Eisenhower - he helps make Loston better. He was recently on campus when Loston was not.