Looks like 'FieldTurf' is coming...

Marley, (or anyone else),

Is there any word on whether the basepath will also be entirely field turf like Louisville and Texas Tech have done? GOD I HOPE NOT!!!
The right answer is to put grass in the Disch to make it one of the finest facilities in America and to build a separate practice facility with either grass or turf to be used for all the camp BS.

Hell, let's buy the old St.
Edwards field and use it for camps.

Or how about just pay AISD to use one of their facilities for the camps, such as Nelson or Burger. The camps do not have to physically be at the Disch.

Can't anybody think outside the box associated with UT Baseball ?

Hook em
Let's buy the old St Edwards field??? Yeah, that makes quite a bit of sense come to think of it... Land in Austin is pretty cheap these days, or maybe they'd just give it to us because they're tired of paying property taxes on it... Give it a rest people, it is turf, has been turf, and will continue to be turf. Take all of your "but...." arguments and apply them somewhere else. It is not going to change for all of the reasons that have already been outlined. Start a new thread, this one is tired.
Amazingly we can have a grass field on our football stadium and about 3 grass football practice facilities but we can't find the space or the money for a baseball practice facility. Seems like they have a lot of football camps in operation, too that don't seem to tear up things too bad.

And if you don't like this thread and it gets on your nerves so bad, don't open it up and post on it.

Hook em
The baseball field gets used pretty much every day from the start of school (when the players report back and start working out) until the end of the season - whether that is May or June. Baseball camps start then, and run almost non-stop until August. Softball camps use the field, too (they put in more work at Disch-Falk than at McCombs, so that they can.....save the grass at McCombs). The team comes back at the start of the fall, and they have the fall workouts (team and "voluntary"). I think I've seen occasional camps and clinics in the fall. in comparison, the football team uses Memorial Stadium 10-15 times a year.

Everyone wants grass, but I just think (and evidently the Big Orange agrees) that it would look like crap at some point in the year. It's hard to find grass that is functional and resiliant in January, May, August, and October in Austin.
^ Agree. And I think everyone needs to accept that. If you can't accept it, please get over it. It is not going to change.
I still think a big money donar needs to come through for a baseball practice and camp facility. Hell, put the crappy field turf on that thing.

There is a lot of space north of Comal that is wasted on limited surface paking to the north and northeast of McCombs.

Better use of that land would be a state of the art practice and camps facility and then you also put in a large parking garage to help eliviate parking problems at the Disch and McCombs.

And then you put the grass in the Disch. How hard is that ?

Hook em
I am talking about all that ut land that is morth of McCombs, east of Comal and south of Manor Road.

It is vastly underutized as surface parking. You could built a parking garage to park many more cars to help eliviate parking problems for game days and use the rest of the land for a first class baseball practice facility and camp facility. You wouldn't need stands, just a field.

A vertical parking garage of 4-5 floors would more than make up for the parking space loss.

And there would be no land acquisistion costs as it is all currently ut owned.

Hook em
Parking garages are staggeringly expensive, and rich alumni don't make donations to have their names put on parking garages. Schools pay for garages through bonds and pay back the bonds from parking fees, and one that far out would be underutilized by the students, because if you're going to pay to park, why park way the **** out there? It would only get used on gamedays and the fees for parking then would come from Longhorn Foundation donations, which probably can't be used in the revenue projections when writing the bond proposal.
Hey, I am just throwing ideas out there. Fine, let's don't build a good practice facility, let;s don't crea(e a better Disch parking situation and let's just have artificial turf at the Disch forever.

Heaven forebid if anyone around here has an idea worth looking into.

Fine, don't build a garage, but at least put a practice facility on underutilized unoiversity land near the ball park.

I swear some of you are like old folks who are never open to a new approach.

I have been a baseball season ticket holder since 1979 and I have always hoped for a grass field especially with the classic upgrades made at the Disch. Guess I will die without seeing that happen.

Hook em
The team is doing just fine ? Sure.

We have underachieved for three straight seasons and can't get out of the first round of the tournament and have been making large numbers of errors in key situations.

Yeah, what was I thinking ? We don't need a practice facility.

Hook em
Would we practice MORE if we had a separate practice facility? Doubtful, since the NCAA has rules that cover how much time can be spent in practice.

Would we practice BETTER if we had a separate practice facility? Cannot answer that one. I suppose it's a possibility, but no one knows.

I don't think our inability to get to Omaha the past three seasons has anything to do with whether or not we have grass, astroturf or Field Turf. I think it has everything to do with players not performing to their level of ability, and that really has very little to do with the playing surface.

Disch-FALK opened in 1975. How many trips to Omaha has Texas made since then? And all those teams played on astroturf.

I'd like to see a natural surface as much as anybody, but it's not going to happen. And blaming the team's lack of execution this season on the playing surface is a real reach.
I would think a state of the art practice facility would be an excellent recruiting tool as well. Just as I think a grass field is an excellent recruiting tool. Most players, like fans prefer the real stuff.

Hook em

Ohhh...Bubba Don...we have never had issues with recruits not coming here because of our facilities, and we never will. We could play on a sandlot and the recruits would still come. I share your frustration over the last three years, but it had nothing to do with the facilities or a lack of top notch recruits.

That reminds me of the attitude that Fred Akers had for football recruiting in the late 70s and early 80s.....we don't have to work at that hard, guys will always want to come here.

I think that is totally wrong and you have to constantly be looking for ways that you can get an edge over the competition and make your product, in this case, UT baseball, seem more appealling than anyone else's product.

Most of the kids in high school today were in junior high when we last made it to Omaha. LSU and A&M are improving quickly.....Rice has been steady.

Just my opinion, but seems to me we need to work harder than anyone else and not just fall back on the "we are Texas" routine.

Hook em
How many college teams have a practice facility? I think you'd want to practice on the field where you play, anyway.

Not as if our facilities are lacking, you know. Didn't they, like, add some paint or new water fountains to the stadium this year? Maybe some new lockers or something for the team? And I'm not sure donors haven't paid for the odd improvement around campus the last few years.

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