Looking for Hilarious Texas Fan Diary


< 25 Posts
Quite awhile back a Tenn fan that I work with forwarded me a day long diary of a Texas fan. It involved the guy playing golf (I think around San Antonio), heading to the Alamo Bowl for the 1999 Big 12 Championship v Nebraska, then going to the Drum to watch Texas play, I think , Arizona. Basically the guy is drinking the whole time and I thought the diary was hilarious.

If anyone has this, or knows where it is, can you please send it to me or tell me where I can find it. I need to review the hilarity.

So many great entries, but this might be my favorite:

10:15 After the fourth consecutive "worst *******
call I have EVER seen," I attempt to remove my hat
again to begin beating inanimate objects. However, on
this occasion I miscalculate and I thumbnail myself in
my left eyelid, leaving a one-quarter inch gash over
my eye. I am now bleeding into my left eye and all
over my shirt. "Perhaps," I think to myself, "I'm
taking this a bit seriously."
Wow I had never seen that before...I was in tears laughing!

Yeah. The part about drunks out on the highway just cracked me up. The only thing funnier would have been if they'd had an accident and killed someone. Now that's funny.

At least I can really take pride in how he represented our University to the fans other teams.
i can post from experience the part about the band serenades and the "cell phone flop out" really happened. The tailgate was the Hornfans tailgate and I heard the guy yell out about making the reservations and holding up his cell from a few yards in front of us as we made our way to the stadium.
Two things: 1) There is absolutely nothing fake about that story. Many a longhorn fan lived similar days, but perhaps their creative writing skills aren't quite up to par.

2) The LSAT rule should be approved--the day I took the LSAT Texas got whooped by KState and a local millionnaire got murdered by his (then) wife's lesbian lover. LSAT=bad news
Didn't someone a few years ago claim to have found the actual guy that the story is "supposed" to be written about? He was a lawyer I believe.
I remember a couple of things from being at both those sporting events
1) Being on the front row in the south endzone watching an Applewhite pass bounce off of Ricky Brown's facemask on a two point conversion attempt (that was as close as our offense got to scoring all day).
2) Watching Darren Kelly drive the lane for a layup under 5 seconds with UT down 3
UTIceberg is correct. About three years ago (I think), there was a lengthy discussion about this story on Hornfans and based on various eyewitness accounts it was deemed very accurate. More importantly, I hadn't read it in about two years and it is just as great as the first time I read it.

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