Longhorns = Backstreet Boys

as a mustache is to the Mona Lisa
as a boil is to a butt
as the Chicago Cubs fans to a Dodgers hat
as an anvil is to Wylie Coyote
....as Barney Pfife is to law enforcement!....as Hee Haw is to the New York Symphony....as the Clippers are to Basketball....as fire hydrants are to dogs[This message has been edited by Bullseye (edited 06-27-2000).]
as Bill Clinton is to fidelity.as Monica Lewinsky is to "Shout" stain remover.as Mike Tyson is to sanity.as College Station is to Austin.
...as RC (Cola) is to Coca~Cola...as Marilyn Manson is to Van Halen...as Johnny Cochran is to Atticus Finch...as Janet Reno is to the female gender
As Mark Chimura is to the Girl Scouts...As Barry Switzer is to Airport Security...As Lawrence Phillips is to Ward CleverThis is too easy...................------------------
...as William Jean King is to Anna Kornikova...as "Ishtar" is to the American Film Institute Top 100...as Montezuma's Revenge is to a vacation in Mexico
as The Zone is to Top Rated Facilitiesas Reveille (?) is to a Seeing Eye Dog - (except of course, after she dies, then she can see the scoreboard !!)as the Aggie offense is to Exciting
John Rocker is to politcal correctness!
Houston Nutt is to class! 0ops.
Bogus is to a longhorn!(might have to delete this one)
Toombs is to MADD!ok, hey jmatt both Rebea and Ella are great singers!(although their styles, and types of music they sing are not comparable I give Ella a slight lead)