Longhorn Seatbacks $$$$


100+ Posts
Wow !!! Did anyone else notice the 25% price increase on the stadium seats. $36 per seat to $45 per seat. I have used these since their inception and have enjoyed them but not anymore. I emailed them and expressed my opinion, I'm sure that will do alot of good. Maybe gas prices have affected stadium seats also.
We carry some cheapo fold up ones from Academy. They work fine.
I have 4 seats on the aisle; three are the same people every game, the fourth is a floater. I used to have a problem with the people in the middle of the row spreading out too much to where effectively I was left with 3 seats' worth of space for the 4 of us. Since these came out I have only one, on the ***** seat where our seats meet strangers'; this keeps the problem from occuring, and since I don't sit in it I don't care about the comfort...
That's it exactly. I have two seats on the aisle and was forever getting squeezed out. I'll just carry my high school stadium seats, I just didn't want to keep up with them.
Having my two seatbacks has helped prevent at least a half a dozen arguments over who sits where. They ask me to scoot down and I just point to my seats and go back to the game.

These things are the suck, and I make no apologies to the people who I "accidentally" bump, kick, dump, spit, spill on or step on who possess the worst addition to DKR ever made.

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