Just checked the Guide to see that, once again they are showing "Big 12 Media Days". Who on here seriously cares about and watches what the coaches from the Big12!Big12!Big12! have to say?

I could maybe see this being broadcast once, when live. To show this over and over again just pints to how desperate they have become for content. After the show at 1 pm they are shoeing the 2009 Tech game.

Maybe they can put some live intramural flag football on there this Fall or something. ESPN and company really bought a bum steer with this one.
The Texas Gameday promo with Sark and the orthopedic shoes is bizarre. The music sucks, and it is just stupid. The music for any other promos sucks as well.

Same 10 commercials over and over. Longhorn legend spots are dealing with people no one has ver heard of yet they are somehow, gee I wonder why, legends.
I stopped watching Texas Gameday this year (last year?). The new intro music does suck but it's not what I listen to. They did not ask my opinion on changing the music.

2 hours of analysis, really? I used to record it and burn through it in less than 45 minutes, then watch the game.

Someone mentioned this on the board and I thought the same thing when LHN was launched; not just the big three sports and not just sports exclusively. I thought they would have programming on the campus, college life, professors talking about what is taught and why those topics are important to the world around us.

Of the latter, there have been a few, but very few. It is ESPN - Entertainment and Sports Programming Network. Even though ESPN has dropped the Entertainment part from their early days and now focuses on Sports Programming, based on what I had read, I thought LHN might be different.

What is presented is the same programming being repeated. It's like 1970's summer TV reruns over and over.
I catch the post game coach presser and the Monday meeting with the the media. If they carry a football game, I watch that and some baseball, basketball and softball when they carry it. The rest is all reruns over and over ad nauseam.

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