count me in the crowd that this will be the last year I donate to the foundation.
This parking thing has become such a ******* clusterfuck that it just piles on with all the issues I have had with Belmont over the years.
In 1999, myself, Hellraiser97 and 2 others bought 4 tickets together. We each had donated to the foundation (I had just bumped my donation from $150 to $350), and sent in the 1999 ticket renewal/purchase in the same envelope for all 4 of us.
We also had a letter in that envelope stating that we wanted all of our tickets to be together(with whoever donated at the lowest being our priority level), and on top of that, the applications were STAPLED together.
Come August 1999, we get our tickets AND EACH OF US IS SITTING IN AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SECTION!!!!!!!
The LHF tells us "oops we forgot to put you all together" - NO **** SHERLOCK! Their solution? Well our previous tickets had already been given away, and all that were left were Sec 102 Row 28 tickets, so they gave us the much worse seats, and then to top it off, I was told that since I got the new seats with a $350 donation that my new donation level had been raised!
And I have been butt ****** ever since. My minimum is $350, for seats that, while aren't bad, they sure as **** arent the lower level 20 yard line seats we had before the LHF ****** us, and if I want to keep these season tickets, I need to donate $350 from now on, (I donated about 3 times that this year).
So like the others on the board, with the cost of OU going through the roof, and the upcoming seasons having horrid opponents (meaning cheaper scalped tickets), I am really thinking about just dropping my season tickets entirely, and saving my money to give to the school.
Oh and for those who are wondering about the donation, Yes, 80% is deductible, but in a $1000 donation, that means you only get a $800 tax credit, which only amounts to $248 dollars extra at tax time if you are at the 31% tax bracket.
If you dont donate, but buy 2 OU tickets for $300 each you still come out about $150 ahead of where you would have been without donating. And nevermind the fact that you could probably pick up the bad game tickets for face or less with much, much better seats.