Longhorn Foundation Passing Down Parent's Tix

I have never had a problem in my dealings with The Longhorn Foundation, and have always found them to be knowledgeable, considerate and helpful.

Seems to me that all gripes about the Foundation arise when someone has a situation that butts head-on into a rule, or requires an interpretation that may not fit their particular circumstance. The idea that rules were made for others, or those who don't need them, is all to prevalent in the gripes I see here about the Foundation (which, unfortunately, is a reflection on the general "me-centric" epidemic in our culture). You have to assume that it's impossible for the Foundation to craft policies that will satisfy all members; sometimes the rule is going to play in your favor - but other times it won't. There is no constitutional guarantee here, and the contributions of your forebearers are not yours.

Paying to keep tickets in your parents' names while they are alive is OK; hiding their demise in order to keep tickets is dishonest - plain and simple.
This is what I don't understand.

Why in the world wouldn't seat costs be adjusted for everyone every year regardless of any criteria?

The University made a big mistake doing that.
I have no problem with anyone who is alive continuing to get tickets under the old rules and do whatever they want with them (sell them, give them away, etc.). However, once that person and/or spouse pass on, then the tickets go back into the hopper to be renewed at the current market value. FWIW, I’m even ok with the idea that a specific family gets first-crack at paying the current (no discount) fair market value for the next calendar year (and then having to stay at that level, no reverting to the previous levels) to keep the seats into the future.

I know, some people have been going to the games for generations, with their family, etc. I didn’t have the advantage of having parents who went to UT. That doesn’t make me any less of a fan than you. When I graduated, I started out just like everyone else: I donated my money and ended up with the same crappy end zone seats everyone else gets. Slowly and gradually overtime, I hope to keep moving up, paying my way the whole time. When the day comes that it’s time for me to be “put out to pasture”, I harbor no illusions about getting to keep my seats after I’m gone. Should my children want to continue going to games, I expect them to have to pay up when the time comes. In fact, I intend to impress on them when they are of the financial means to be able to afford it, that if they want to keep getting seats in the future, it’s best they start working their way up sooner rather than latter.

No one “owns” DKR, or any seat in it. We all play by the same rules and there should be no advantages just because of whom your Mom and Dad are. This is Texas, not English royalty.

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