Lonestar Showdown (8.5 to 8.5)

Well now that Texas won the baseball series, its tied up. When will we know who won mens and womens outdoor track/field?
Results through SaturdayThe LinkWomen - Team Rankings - 8 Events Scored
1) Nebraska 79
2) Kansas State 45.50
3) Kansas 40.50
4) Texas A&M 35

5) Texas Tech 28.50
6) Missouri 27
7) Iowa State 21.50
8) Oklahoma 15
9) Texas 8

9) Oklahoma State 8
11) Baylor 2
11) Colorado 2

Men - Team Rankings - 5 Events Scored
1) Missouri 45
2) Colorado 42
3) Nebraska 25
4) Texas Tech 20
5) Texas A&M 16

6) Texas 13

7) Kansas 11
8) Kansas State 9
9) Iowa State 8
10) Oklahoma 6
Through 9 events today. Who would have thought it would come down to a trackmeet.

Men - Team Rankings - 9 Events Scored
1) Nebraska 61 2) Colorado 54
3) Missouri 45 4) Texas 39
5) Texas Tech 38 6) Texas A&M 30
7) Kansas State University 26 7) Kansas 26
9) Oklahoma 15 10) Iowa State 9
11) Baylor 8

Women - Team Rankings - 9 Events Scored
1) Nebraska 80 2) Kansas State University 48.50
3) Texas A&M 45 4) Kansas 44.50
5) Texas Tech 28.50 6) Missouri 27
7) Iowa State 23.50 8) Oklahoma 21
9) Texas 13 10) Baylor 10
11) Oklahoma State 8 12) Colorado 2
aggy men are going to blow us out when they start the finals in the sprints this afternoon. just look to see how many of their guys qualified compared to us. it is a done deal.

we never should have lost to them in football. subtract that point from them and give it to us and we win the LSS four straight times.
Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored
1) Texas 88 2) Colorado 84
3) Nebraska 81 4) Texas Tech 64
5) Texas A&M 58 6) Missouri 46
7) Kansas 39 8) Baylor 37
9) Kansas State University 32 10) Oklahoma 30
11) Iowa State 22 12) Oklahoma State 3

Triple Jump, Discus, 400 Meter Hurdles, 200 Meters, 5,000 Meters, and 1,600 Meter Relay yet to score.
The Link
Men - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
1) Colorado 103 2) Texas A&M 95
3) Texas 89 4) Nebraska 86
5) Texas Tech 72 6) Baylor 62
7) Missouri 49 8) Kansas 39
9) Kansas State 38 9) Oklahoma 38
11) Iowa State 25 12) Oklahoma State 5
Not even sure we have anyone entered in the 5,000. We should get some points from the Triple Jump. Probably will come down to 4x400 relay. It would be fitting if the Ags dropped the baton and we eek out a win.
Ags should get over 20 points in the triple jump to us getting maybe 2 points. Neither ags not us will get points in the 5000.
Ags will beat us by about 30 points and that is better than we expected to do.
Losing to Aggy is never acceptable!

Big 12 - Final Men's Track Team Standings

1) Colorado 138
2) Texas A&M 121
3) Texas 96
4) Nebraska 95
5) Texas Tech 76
6) Baylor 72
This news brings a couple things to mind:


2. A&M will never get the LSS trophy because DeLoss has no idea where it is (nor does he care).

3. Congratulations to A&M. Your performance in the 2007-2008 Lone Star Showdown is redeemable for one (1) moral victory.

4. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Bill Byrne tries to end the Lone Star Showdown ASAP just so A&M can claim to be the eternal LSS champions.

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