London again

50 shots were fired by 3 responding policemen thus they do have firearm officers among their ranks. I see no issue with arming all police officers.

Some do carry. I read it was about ten percent. The guns aren't non-existent, but by arming so few they undoubtedly reduce the odds that the first officer to arrive at the scene of a violent crime or terror attack can actually stop it.

The paucity of guns in the UK limited the carnage from these 3 attackers, IMHO. The fact that they were limited to a "Laurie" and knifes was a good thing in limiting the outcome of their ill intentions.

Of course, allowing citizens to accept like acquire and carry weapons is a separate and very different issue. Most countries in Europe have extremely tight restrictions on private firearm ownership and even tighter restrictions on who can carry a firearm and under what circumstances. However, there is a massive illegal weapons racket in Europe (bigger deal in continental Europe than in the UK). I've heard that many of that weapons are from Southeastern Europe and were used in the Balkans wars, and once they're into the Schengen Area, they can move freely and are very hard to find.

Would Europe be safer with less restrictive gun laws? Obviously that's an open debate as it is in the US. Frauke Pertri (Alternative für Deutschland) thinks so, but few agree with her. However, by European standards, Switzerland very lax gun laws, but they have very little crime and are seldom targeted by terrorists. They must be doing something right.
Is Houston safer than Chicago?

Is Baalborn, Germany safer than Houston? Take my word for it. Baalborn (and its population of 585) is safer. I'm not bringing that up to suggest that gun control is the answer. It's not. However, the point is that liberals can and do play that game too. Anecdotal correlation doesn't imply a causal relationship between the presence of gun laws and the safety of a community. How safe or dangerous a community is is mostly a product of who lives there, not the presence or absence of gun laws.
There's breaking news that shots were fired by Notre Dame cathedral in Paris today. French police man shot man assaulting him.

The Summer of Terrorism continues .....................
Is Baalborn, Germany safer than Houston? Take my word for it. Baalborn (and its population of 585) is safer.

Cute - at least Houston and Chicago are in the same country and have similar population sizes.

However, the point is that liberals can and do play that game too.

And play it in a very disingenuous way, according to your example.
Start by infiltrating/closing the extremist mosques.
No. Start by determining that they set the rules of engagement, so you will play by them, but much, much more viciously. For every single Brit killed by some insane Islamist pig, go into their neighborhoods and randomly kill 50 of theirs, targeting primarily young males, but not limiting yourself to them.

Let them know that this is policy going forward. They will run out of fighting people before the rest of Britain does.

It is a war. You have to fight it like one. Dirty, ugly, horrifying. But this is how you force an enemy to capitulate.
Cute - at least Houston and Chicago are in the same country and have similar population sizes.

And play it in a very disingenuous way, according to your example.
Cute - at least Houston and Chicago are in the same country and have similar population sizes.

And play it in a very disingenuous way, according to your example.

Lol. And it's all about the size of the cities. If Baalborn had a few million old white dudes in wheelchairs instead of a few hundred, they'd have as much crime as thug-ridden dumps like Chicago and Houston, right?
No. Start by determining that they set the rules of engagement, so you will play by them, but much, much more viciously. For every single Brit killed by some insane Islamist pig, go into their neighborhoods and randomly kill 50 of theirs, targeting primarily young males, but not limiting yourself to them.

Let them know that this is policy going forward. They will run out of fighting people before the rest of Britain does.

It is a war. You have to fight it like one. Dirty, ugly, horrifying. But this is how you force an enemy to capitulate.

In a world where they see their deaths as martyrs and we see our own deaths as victims that doesn't work. Will any old Muslim work or will you choose extremists? That strategy would only result in a worldwide holy war.
In a world where they see their deaths as martyrs and we see our own deaths as victims that doesn't work.

Why do we give a damn if they feel like they are Martyrs? They can't fight anymore if they are dead. No matter what we do they are going to feel like they will die and become a Martyrs with 72 virgins waiting for them. That's like the snowflakes and MSM saying we have to be politically correct or they will use this for recruiting. They are always recruiting no matter what we do. Stop with the "if we play nice then maybe they won't terrorize us" bologna.

That strategy would only result in a worldwide holy war.

We are already in a holy war in their eyes.
Why do we give a damn if they feel like they are Martyrs? They can't fight anymore if they are dead. No matter what we do they are going to feel like they will die and become a Martyrs with 72 virgins waiting for them. That's like the snowflakes and MSM saying we have to be politically correct or they will use this for recruiting. They are always recruiting no matter what we do. Stop with the "if we play nice then maybe they won't terrorize us" bologna.

We are already in a holy war in their eyes.

You are advocating for an unwinnable war of an indeterminable timeframe. Essentially, a second crusades. You sir are crazy.

It's absurd to let 10's of thousands of extremists pull 10's of millions into a war. That would be akin to cutting off your arm to fix a broken finger.
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You are advocating for an unwinnable war of an indeterminable timeframe. Essentially, a second crusades. You sir are crazy.

It's absurd willing to let 10's of thousands of extremists pull 10's of millions into a war. That would be akin to cutting off your arm to fix a broken finger.

Coming from a guy that wants to allow ten's of thousands of refugees from hotbed terrorist countries here in the US and our allies. We have been leading from behind the last 8 years and they went from a JV team to a massive threat to all of our security. How's that worked out? That's your approach vs my approach which is what we did after 9-11. Those cockroaches were running to caves and really didn't come back out until Obama was elected. So don't talk to me about Crazy when you are the Lib that has no logic to your thought process no matter what topic you want to bring up.

We need to go back to being the bullies again. No more all of us trying to get them to join us in a Kumbaya moment.

"It's absurd willing to let 10's of thousands of extremists pull 10's of millions into a war."

Also you don't know what the hell will happen. What have you or your king Obama been right about?
Coming from a guy that wants to allow ten's of thousands of refugees from hotbed terrorist countries here in the US and our allies. We have been leading from behind the last 8 years and they went from a JV team to a massive threat to all of our security. How's that worked out? That's your approach vs my approach which is what we did after 9-11. Those cockroaches were running to caves and really didn't come back out until Obama was elected. So don't talk to me about Crazy when you are the Lib that has no logic to your thought process no matter what topic you want to bring up.

We need to go back to being the bullies again. No more all of us trying to get them to join us in a Kumbaya moment.

"It's absurd willing to let 10's of thousands of extremists pull 10's of millions into a war."

Also you don't know what the hell will happen. What have you or your king Obama been right about?

I'd respond but then remembered this...
Playing Chess with a pidgeon.jpg

Based on our previous interactions, nothing is ever resolved as your arguments are 100% pathos focused. Until you can get to a logos argument its fruitless for us to converse. Here is some help.
I'd respond but then remembered this...
Playing Chess with a pidgeon.jpg

Based on our previous interactions, nothing is ever resolved as your arguments are 100% pathos focused. Until you can get to a logos argument its fruitless for us to converse. Here is some help.

So I'm guessing you're the bird? The irony!

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