Lois Lerner

I think this whole issue is suspicious and needs to be investigated.

With that said, as an IT manager, I can't count the number of times we've thought our backup process was solid until we actually try to restore and find out we can't. If you aren't consistently validating and testing your backup process (most companies don't) you'll find you aren't as safe as you think you are.
So far, the best we've heard is "it's true because the government says it's true, and the people who disagree with them are all hacks anyway, because if they weren't hacks, they wouldn't be disputing the story."
Obama is a centrist in a way that a polar bear in a zoo is a pacifist. You do what you can when you can get away with it, but you don't waste time snarling at stuff you can't eat. I'd love to hear where Obama has been Centrist - and no, campaign speeches do not count.

Is it centrist to defend partial birth abortions? To hope for a single payer health care system but admit "we're not going to get there overnight"? I sometimes think liberals think Obama is a centrist because he cuts deals with Wall Street and major corporations to get them to play ball with him, rather than using the Occupy Wall Street talking points.
MichTex, you totally missed the point. The commissioner of the IRS stated that the emails were backed up and that a team of attorneys was working to comply with the subpoena and to redact certain information before presenting the emails to congress. The commissioner is appointed by the President of the United States.
Mook, you have a pen and a phone, just like the President. So call the IRS and tell them you have unilaterally decided not to file again anytime soon. You also don't want anyone questioning your decision or trying to make you face the consequences of your decision.

There is precedence for this, so you should be fine.
as someone who works in IT and has managed my company's email services and networks for many years, here's my perspective

Government run organizations have regulations and compliance laws that mandate all email be archived. There are appliances that do this before email even hits the mail server. Barracuda appliances are one example of this. it is a set it and forget it type of machine. all incoming/outgoing emails are archived and forwarded to mail server for processing

There are also regulations that should prevent clients from puling the emails off of the central server and storing them on the PC itself, in the form of a pst file, as used with Outlook.

If the emails indeed were on Lerner's PC and not on the server, then the IRS is in direct violation of gov't regulations

There are also the regulation of email backups. IRS had contracted the company Sonasoft to backup emails. They cancelled this contract just weeks after Lerner's computer crashed.

Then there's also the issue of Sarbanes Oxley compliance. Apparently, the IRS is not subject to the same compliance laws as are imposed on publicly traded companies, the very companies the IRS collects taxes from. that is a$$ backwards.

Lastly, you must physically destroy a hard drive to prevent someone from retrieving data on a hard drive or perform a low-level format that actually writes 1/0's to every sector/block on a hard drive. A hard drive crash can simply mean part of the tables that allow the computer to know where the data is at was corrupted, but that does not mean the data is lost. it is 99.9% of the time, still there on the disk platters.

This entire issue wreaks of corruption and collusion
Thanks for the insight, Bayerithe.

I think it's glaringly obvious that there's corruption surrounding this scandal. Even ardent supporters of the current Administration have to admit that this is dripping with trouble.

Unfortunately, while this would be the lynch pin for a Republican President, the Dems will skate on to the next corrupt scandal. The media is going full-bore with cover fire. The RINOs don't have the stones to step on Dems' throats. And, Holder is so criminally rotten that there's no way he'll grant an independent investigation.

This country is steering in the WRONG direction, but 47% of the population is content with whistling dixie as they walk past the cemetery.
It seems that officials from that company mentioned just above should be brought before the committee in the HOR currently researching this mess. Or has that happened already?
Yes. But Koskinen said the hard drives have already been "recycled".
Obviously there is enough to jail Lerner. However, is overseeing the destruction of data enough to jail the head of the IRS? What laws would he have broken?
Definition of a Federal Record
By law Federal records are

all documentary materials, including:
policies and procedures
statistical data
legal opinions and decisions
research data and studies
letters and memoranda
completed forms
audio and video recordings
posters and graphics
architectural and engineering documents
regardless of physical form, including:
electronic, including electronic mail
sound and visual recordings
made or received by an agency of the U.S. Government under Federal law or in connection with the transaction of public business, and
preserved or appropriate for preservation as evidence of agency functions, organization, and activities or because of the value of the information they contain (44 U.S.C. 3301).
That would probably be Steven T. Miller or Douglas H. Shulman. I don't know if John Koskinen was in charge when the data was destroyed. He may have only been responsible for obstructing justice.
If it turns out that the hard drive was just scratched, the next time Commissioner Koskinen testifies before Congress is going to be pretty entertaining. He came across as a smug *******. Somebody might just take a piss on his face this time.
Earlier this week it appeared that lots of other IRS officials, who corresponded with Lerner, also had hard drive "failures". It appeared that Lerner was a computer wrecking, human, EMP.

I'll be very surprised if they weren't trying to hide the dirt.
Someone needs to invite Lerner and Koskinen up to the Bering Sea and fit them with some concrete boots to stay warm.

The IRS is a de facto wing of the Democratic party, and they sit back and laugh while knowing that they're completely untouchable, no matter how guilty they are (and they are).

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