Yeah, it was East Avenue.
And the Cinema West used to have porn film names on the marquee when those titles were as tame as "Behind The Green Door," "The Devil in Mrs, Jones" or even "Debbie Does Dallas."
There were fairly tame movie posters in the display windows too.
And fresh, hot popcorn and icy cold drinks in cups.
The movies were on film.
With previews.
Seating for couples was available in the balcony.
In later years, the marquee simply said something like "Continuous Adult Movies" or "Adults Only," because the offerings switched to videotapes with titles like "Cum Sucking Butthole Sluts" and kids could have read that from the Junior High across the street.
Munchies and canned drinks from vending machines were all there was.
You could bring in BBQ sandwichies from The Pit down the street and beer if you hid it under your coat.
No repairs were ever made.
Dried splooge, if you were lucky, undoubtedly covered the seats.
Condoms littered the floor.
Whores of all sexes would solicit you in the dark.
The police would walk through with flashlights several times a day and throughout the theater heads would pop up from somebody else's lap.
In places, the arm rests were broken off for several adjacent seats so people could lay down.
Video tapes were sold and rented in the lobby and there were often more people checking that inventory out than were occupied inside the auditorium.
There was another makeshift porn theater/video store/fuckatorium over on S. Lamar.
By that time porn was so easily available in your own home that no one respectable or disease-free went to see **** movies in theaters any more.
So I bought a VCR.