Lincoln Riley Hates Puppies

Lincoln Riley wears OU sports clothes and an OU cap to weddings, and funerals.

(Side note - I’ve seen aggies actually do this, with aggie gear...).
Lincoln Riley cuts in front of you in the grocery check out lane, then uses a coupon for every item in his large basket full of groceries.

He also demands price checks from the cashier on a number of items, then stiffs the bagger guy who takes his groceries to his car and loads them in.
When Lincoln Riley visits Vegas he goes for Celine Dion. If you're hot at the blackjack table he might try one hand, take the card you need, and then leave with your mojo. Off to another Celine Dion show.
Somewhere on I-35
Riley files to Japan every spring for the annual dolphin massacre in Taiji Cove. He says it gets him in shape for baby seal clubbing over in Alaska.

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