Lie, Lie, Lie!

BI, I think at least for the involvement in Afghanistan, 9/11 played a major role. I also think it played some kind of role in the involvement in Iraq. I haven't read all the things you did but there wasn't any movement to take out Saddam until after 9/11 and the Afghanistan invasion.

Look up the site "Project for a New American Century" to understand the goals the Bush Administration. That will give you a new perspective on the playbook that led up to the Iraq War. Afghanistan was absolutely justified. Iraq was trumped up. 25% of the country at the time was saying as much despite the half-truths and lies being espoused by the Bush Admin.

In hindsight, there are many similarities to what we did then in Iraq that are analagous to what Putin is doing now with Ukraine.
can you imagine how low Obama's approval rating would be if he didn't have 95% of the media in his corner??? I'm guessing under 10%.
Benghazi - move along people, no cover up here to protect the lying POTUS corrupt *** less than 2 mos prior to the election... no it wasn't al-queda / radical islam inspired terrorism, it was all just a video inspired terrorist attack.

The administration will circle the wagons and count on the feckless media to go along with them and not question, not investigate, not get the TRUTH about what happened - blame the right and the GOP for partisan politics. The left is good at that. What this sorry BHO and Hillary did NOT do to at least attempt to protect / save the Ambassador and 3 other Americans from the terrorist on 9-11-12 is shameful and will probably get lost in the cover up.

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