Liberal Stupidity Defined


500+ Posts
Was she stupid for wanting to live? Is it because she wasn't in raptuous joy that she and her employer have a Constitutional right not to have health insurance? Are liberals stupid for caring whether she lives?
Leftwith, I don't think you are a POS but I have a hard time seeing the woman as somehow defining stupidity.
Young Ben Breedlove of Austin made a video of himself holding several signs concerning his near-death experiences due to his heart condition, a condition that took his life Christmas Day. His self-made video went viral and has been praised and discussed on every news outlet.

What's stupid abt this woman expressing her thanks for something that helped save her life? It's called using the social media.

Oh, that's right. She was thanking Barack Obama / Dear Leader / The Chosen One / aka The President of the United States, and nothing can be said to or about him that's in any way positive or true, since that may cause some people to reconsider whether he's really the socialist / communist / Kenyan-born antichrist.
actually, she probably could have gotten the procedure paid for if she approached her doctor and the hospital about a discount and payment plan. one of the unknown little secrets is that hospitals are willing to do this, up to 60% or more in discounts. there are also many government plans currently in place to pay for this. however, in response to the op, liberal stupidity defined is Stephanopoulos as moderator of the debate last night.
If you don't buy "health insurance" until you need it, is it really insurance?

The fact that the usual cast of liberal characters missed this point is hysterical.
Plus having no insurance, then getting it and getting well provides no object lesson. Had she died a painful death it would have been instructive to the masses and her story could be told and retold at Republican and Tea Party gatherings to give people reason to clap and cheer.
Having tumors in your uterus doesn't mean you have cancer, FWIW...

I sure wish auto insurance was required to cover pre-existing conditions, though...I've got an old truck that needs a lot of work done on it...
she could have got a policy to cover catastrophic medical situations for about $50.00 a month. but like most libs, they prefer to focus on minimal, isolated cases to draw up support for trillion dollar legislation. the concept of taking responsibility for ones actions is completely foreign to them. she had other options too, like go to cuba, who according to michael moore, has a better healthcare system than we do.
I think Gen touched on a good point. I've never been to Cuba but while Mexico doesn't do as well as the U.S. in delivering top shelf health care, but it does a much better job of delivering affordable care to the working poor and uninsured through free market mechanisms. I think it is a genunie problem in America is that the only health care system available is at the Caddillac and Lexus level and many don't make enough to afford that kind of care without some government assistance. That said having this woman get well through the insurannce shared risk pool is how much more expensive than having her costs shared with us through emergency rooms and public clinics? When half the families in America are two paychecks away from homelessness, askiing people to behave responsibly is a little niave. The public sector has to intervene to create a system that is humane and reasonably affordable. I wish I had some faith that the political system could make that happen.
I'm not going to ridicule a lady who had cancer. I think she suffered enough for her clearly misguided decision. And hooklahoma, she ain't ugly. She's not super-model hot (thoug she would be in Oklahoma), but don't BS us. I'm willing to bet you have gone worse at some point in your life.

Having said that, this is a stupid example for the Left. Pre-existing conditions suck for the patient, but there's no way to have a sustainable health insurance system while forcing coverage for them. It would send all the wrong incentives to patients. Hell, why would anybody buy health insurance???
And, because of her lack of foresight in buying insurance before she actually needed it, someone else had to pay. What a great system. Work (or don't work) and when you need something, have someone else pay for it.
I'm agnostic, chango.

And if you're implying that I don't have a heart because I called this lady stupid, you are way off. I don't take joy in the fact that she got caught in a bad situation, but it pisses me off to no end that she is trying to lay the blame at the feet of the insurance industry when it was her OWN DAMN FAULT that she was in the situation she was in, plain and simple.

I'm not chastising her because she was irresponsible and made a mistake. I'm chastising her because she won't take the blame for her mistake; and even worse, is using her own irresponsibleness as an excuse to champion ridiculous legislation.

All that being said, the preexisting condition thing IS an issue and sometimes, it is unavoidable for the person needing coverage. (loss of a job, current insurance company goes out of business, etc) The easy fix to that is something a lot of states already have in place - government high risk pools, usually subsidized by the state and the insurance companies operating in said state. No need to **** with everyone else's coverage.
The PCIP she referred to in her crayola writing is a shared risk pool. Sadly enough those shared risk pools, just like auto liability insurance for maniacal drivers, is spread through the rest of us through those pools.
Crockett, most high risk pools have a 12 month waiting period on preexistings if you didn't have creditable coverage before joining. This keeps the deadbeats from jumping in right when they need something done. If you did have coverage, there is no waiting period. (same way it usually works with group coverage)

Is PCIP the same thing as Obamacare's federal temporary (until 2014) high risk pool? If so, the waiting period rule does not apply to it. (of course) In fact, you can't even get on it unless you can prove you HAVEN'T had coverage for at least six months. In other words, it REWARDS you for going longer than six months without insurance. How's that for upside down logic!

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