LHB moves to SEZ for 2008


It's Showband of the SouthWEST. This ain't no !#$#$ SEC.

If LHB is in the SEZ, and visiting Band is in the NEZ, the visiting band is going to have an advantage. They're going to get more soud projection with all that concrete funneling their sound down the stadium.

LHB should be in NEZ!

Um...Showband of the SouthGalaxy?
i couldn't care less how happy LHB makes the fans by moving, or how stoked the atmosphere is going to be, they deserve those seats, the number of hours they put into each program, they're there 6 hours before every game getting things ready, and are the last to leave the stadium.you want to replace them by snotty ******* and popped collared douchebags that dont care about the game enough to cheer on a 3&5 and always leave late in the 3rd quarter?
My thoughts for the band people:

I understand that you guys practice hard. I understand that you guys provide a service for the rest of us. We appreciate it.... but we would appreciate it a heck of a lot more if we could actually hear y'all. I have sat in the East side for the last 9 years and as far as I'm concerned, it was like you guys didn't exist outside of half-time. By moving, you are providing a service to the 40,000 that could never hear you. That is 40,000 new fans.

And lets get real. Some of y'all act like the good seats are the only reason you are in the band. My band friends would disagree. They made great friends and amazing memories in their years of service... and neither was a result of good seats.
There's nothing wrong with the SEZ. I sat there in 2006, when the seats were even farther back from the field than they are now, and I thought it was a great vantage point.
927, from the pictures I've seen (40's) they were relatively in the same place but slightly closer to the 50 yard line. The impression I got from the older things I've seen is that LHB has probably been there siince DKR opened.
I am moving to the NEZ this year, but I used to sit in section 31. I have not heard the band in 12 years. this is great news.
The band gets "free" seats because they bust their *** year round representing the University. Say, average rehearsal time 6 hours. Average practice time outside of rehearsal two hours (could be more or a lot less depending on your talent). Pre game time commitment 4 hours. So 12 hours a week minimum. Lets say 10 bucks an hour (seems a lot to me, I know, but my buddy who worked for the university got paid this and more while a student). Every band member "pays" about 120-150 bucks a week for their seats. Plus holidays, weekends, parades, etc. So lets say there are 10 games the full band attends. That's quite a chunk of change that the band "spends" on their seats for a game. So let us quit with the band gets free seats *********.
LHB is there for a purpose. Whether or not people pay or practice or whatever, LHB has a job to do, and that job will be better performed in the SEZ.

This move will be good for Texas Football.
The irony is that given your math, you are still not paying 'enough' for those seats. Those seats sell for a lot more than $1,200.

But let's not focus on the financial aspect. You guys put a lot of effort into LHB... but only half of the stadium can hear y'all. Moving y'all to the SEZ allows the entire stadium to hear y'all. It will greatly improve game day atmosphere. This is huge!

Secondly, you guys volunteered to be part of the LHB. You get lots of perks by being part of LHB. You get to be a great fraternal organization. You make great memories. So you guys go from have the best seats in the house to average seats... ****... it ain't that bad.

The benefits greatly out weigh the negatives.
Stuck_at_work your rebuttal is well thought out and logical.

uh_huh with your "Amen. The whiny cry-baby band peeps need to get over themselves."

well just next time you have a thought, don't.

I just graduated and was in the band for over a half of a decade and I will say I too would be vehemently opposed to the band being moved from where they have been. However, in the grand scheme of things, I like how the band can now have more of the student side hear them.

I do have a question though, it says the band is going to the SEZ. Are we sure they are bringing back the bleachers again? I have a heard yes and I have heard no. If it is yes I think a lot of band members may enjoy it more because correct me if I'm wrong but those bleachers are at a steeper angle than the lower deck of the stadium.

It's unfortunate they may not be able to see the 'tron but more concerning to me is will the band be able to jump up and down like normal during kickoffs? Are the bleachers strong enough to support that?
You are a smart one.

"Next time you have a thought, don't" is like saying "next time you live, die." You need to brush up on your talk.
Entitlement? I beg your pardon, friend, but entitlement has nothing to do with it. I was addressing the issue of football games and "free" seats. The band doesn't get free seats. Just not true.

Now, as for service for the University, the band does things year round for the school. I didn't mention any of these events because they are a function of the organization as representatives of The University of Texas. LHB doesn't just stop existing when its not at football games. It's a year round activity that performs all over Austin and the state.

I don't know why some people on this board have such a sore spot about the band. All they do is bust their *** to support the football team and the University of Texas year in and year out.

I guess when we pay for tickets we sacrifice. So in that respect, Jack, you're absolutely right. We sacrifice the **** out of our pocketbooks to attend college football games. No doubt.
For comparison, the Goin' Band from Raiderland sits between the 15 and 25 yard line:


And the Fightin' Texas A&M Aggie Band sits between the 30 and the 50, right behind the visitors' bench:


Longhorn Band is a required two hour ensemble, every student pays tuition to participate. Some members pay the athletics fee on top of that, especially in the spring, to get into events where they are not performing.

During the 2nd half of hot games or blowouts, when the camera pans the east side, many seats are empty. Not Longhorn Band's section, which is filled wall to wall.

Shouldn't we allow Longhorn Band to sit with the other students, on the "student side', in the same area they've been in since probably the stadium was constructed?

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