Lake Travis update

From 360 to Walsh Landing is open to boats 30 feet or longer and the max speed limit is 10mph. Enjoy your wakeboarding.

They may have well restricted it to only boats that are powered by huge paddles.
O&W - Do you know of any place to find info on bacteria / gunk levels in the water? We are going forward w/ our Perd trip this Saturday, but it would be nice if I had some gauge of whether I was going to rot to death by Monday other than my eagle eyes and keen sense of smell.

BTW - thanks for all the info during our crisis.
LCRA has a page dedicated to water quality but it has not been updated sine June 29th.

LCRA Water Quality

Lake Travis
Rating: Fair
Water quality was impacted by flooding conditions and persistent rainfall runoff. Rainfall runoff carries large amount of sediment s and debris. Bacteria and nutrient levels were elevated but should return to normal with drier conditions. The water temperature was 73°F and visibility was only 6 feet near the dam.

Pedernales River
Rating: Poor
Water quality was impacted by intense and persistent rainfall runoff. Rainfall runoff carries large amount of sediment s and debris. Bacteria and nutrient levels were elevated but should return to normal with drier conditions. The water temperature was a brisk 76°F.

Keep in mind that not only are those readings 18 days old, but also, IMO, LCRA has been overstating the debris and water quality aspects of the lake to justify leaving it closed. And the monitoring site for the Pedernales River is up near Hamilton's Pool.

Finally got out yesterday and the Dirty Perd was pure greatness. Maybe 5 other boats out there all day. Little blown out w/ the storms early, but butter all afternoon. My boy's new boat is SO trick and just a really sharp, sharp rig. Wake is incredibly steep and is definitely going to take some getting used to. I'm sunburned like a mofo, my *** and legs hurt like I spraypainted a car in Singapore, my left shoulder is about to fall right off my body and I couldn't be happier today!

May get out on Austin this afternoon.
how's Lake Travis lately?

I've got some friends from out of town coming in this weekend and want to hit up the lake. I've been in SA this summer so haven't been able to see the lake recently.


The lake looks good right now. It is still about two and a half feet high. The water is still a little bit more dirty than usual but the temp and bacteria levels are both perfect. There is a little bit of debris (twigs and tiny styrofoam pieces). It has not been as crowded as a typical summer Saturday but that has mostly been due to rain in the forecast.

We've been out the past two Saturday's and had a blast.
The Perd was great last Sat (21st). Apparently it rained all over Austin and West of it, but we barely got anything. A little sprinkle around 5 when we were getting off. Sunday wasn't as good as a bunch of debris had washed in from those rains.

Austin is freakin awesome right now. We rode the entire upper/Western end today and it took me a while to realize I wasn't freezing my *** off. Travis must have turned over so much water during the storms that the cold bottom water got swept away and it hasn't cooled back off just yet.
We spent the weekend on Austin as well and it was great. Just a tiny little bit of rain on Saturday while we were floating in Dinosaur Cove, and we all ducked under my buddy's pontoon boat until it cleared off.

We'll be headed to Travis this weekend for the first time since early June.
Hey jt09-- I'm not sure what you mean by "across from Devil's?" Devil's is on Lake Travis, right there across from C&C, and is still the main party place on Travis.

Dinosaur Cove is on Lake Austin, across from Hula Hut, in Westlake. It probably has other names as well. Over the past couple of years, it has grown in popularity as the party cove on Lake Austin. Several years back,the party cove on Lake Austin was primarily Bull Creek, which is very close to the Pennybacker Bridge and the 360 boat ramp.

I'm not sure why it switched, although Dinosaur has deeper water, than Bull Creek, and is close to the marinas at Oyster Landing, so perhaps that has fueled the change.

We used to go to Dinosaur any time we wanted a litte more privacy from the party. Nowadays, we do the opposite and head to Bull Creek if we get tired of the dueling wakeboard stereos.
Devil's? WTF was I smoking and why don't I know about it?

I meant Hula Hut. Never knew that place was called Dinosaur Cove. I can walk to it from my house.
Heh.... no telling what you might have been smoking-- but whatever it was, I'm sure it was nothing but the finest, since you live in Westlake.

Anyway, I thought that was what you meant, just wanted to clarify.
Update as of now?

A buddy of mine works for LCRA and he told me this weekend that they are expecting Lake Travis to start getting sucked out pretty quick soon.
Rice farming time? If so, it'll be going downhill pretty quick. Lake is already a foot below average at 670 and the little rain isn't helping.