KSU v UCLA Tonight


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ESPN has been hawking this game during the two game broadcasts today from Dallas and Detroit. They have said dozens of times that this could be Coach Snyder's final game. That he hadn't made up his mind yet. WTF????

A week ago he was signing kids during the early signing period and now he may be gone? I have admired what he has accomplished at the worst program in the NCAA. I am still sorry that Michael Bishop's fumble in the Big 12 Title Game kept them out of the national title game in 1998. I have been uncomfortable with his JUCO addiction, but that is my own bias. Generally JUCO is code for grades or behavioral problems. But most importantly, it means you are bringing in kids who have no chance of getting a degree. Last I checked, that was the primary business of 4 year institutions. (Billy Tubbs was at OU 16 years and graduated 2 players. One was his son).

Should Snyder step down after tonight's game it would be a loss to his incoming class, his legacy, the Big 12 and the FBS.

:ksu: vs :ucla:
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Cmon Wizard. Without the chosen, I went all in on the Wiz in Bowl Mania. You need to talk to Payton. #retireallready
If Snyder had coached at UT or OU or any big school, he'd have won himself a MNC or three. Guy is amazing.