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I have never had a good kolache that was made within 50 miles of Austin. I am not talking about Pigs in a Blanket which, around here, are often mistakenly callled Kolaches. I am talking about the little pastry/dough that has either a fruit or cheese filling in a hollowed out area on top of it.

The place in West still makes good Kolaches, but their Klobasnikys (Pig in a Blanket) have gotten to be pretty much inedible since they started using the cheese that is poured over chips to make Nacho's at Little League Baseball games.

I think the best Klobasnikys in Texas are made in La Grange at Weikels Bakery. The jalapeno cheese and vinison sausage kick a lot of ***. Their Kolaches may come in second.

The best Kolaches that I have had come from the best store in Texas, Prasek's Hilljie Smokehouse, located about 5 miles south of El Campo, TX on Hwy 59. In addition to their awesome Kolaches, they have the best loaf of bread ever made. If you want one, you pretty much have to order it the day before or get there before 9 AM. They also have some of the best jerky and steaks I have ever had.

So, those are the places I use to set my benchmarks. I knwo I am not the only one that craves these things and I know that the HornFans crowd loves to eat. So please post your reccomendations for the best all around and places that are near Austin.

Thanks in advance.
Kolache Shoppe. Burnet Road behind Dallas Nite Club. Great cinnamon twists too.
I'll second Kolache Shoppe. There's also a place on Lamar, across from Central Market in the center with Precision Camera that's pretty good but the name escapes me.
I am going to have to try that place.

I can, however, say with 100% certainty that the best kolaches ever made are at Morning's Kolaches in Houston.
Klobasnikys -- huh, I never knew that's what they're called. I stop at the place in West, but I don't get the ones with the canned nacho cheese. My favorite is the one with sausage, saurkraut, and swiss cheese. I get a couple of those on the run up to the OU game -- good stuff. Goes perfect with beer, whiskey, and pre-game farts.
There's some place on the SE corner of Congress and Oltorf that I think has kolaches. It's in the strip across from the BofA drive-thru tellers. I've only driven by so I am not sure. Anyone know about it?
I recently went to the new donut place in Cedar Park (Super Donuts) and was surprised at how good their kolaches (or pigs in a blanket) were. The "jumbo jalapeno sausage and cheese" are actually terrific. The smaller ones cheap out and use hot dogs, but the jumbos are good, spicy sausage.

As for the fruit kolaches, they look good too, but I just haven't tried them.
mynametaken, that's The Big Kolache. I went once and haven't been inspired to go back. The filling was decent, but the dough wasn't anywhere close to what I like.

Glad to see some love for Praseks. They sure have grown over the years.
Joanie loves Kolache,

or so says the sign at teh one on South Congress @ Oltorf. I've never tried theirs, though.
Another vote for Kolache Shoppe.

That place blows the others away.

Both of my sisters married into Czech families, which made for some good eating at family gatherings. Unfortunately, my sisters haven't picked up the knack for kolaches.
If you find yourself driving between Austin and Houston on Hwy. 71, there's a damn fine kolache to be had in the roadside place in Ellinger, east of LaGrange.

Far superior to Wenkle's in LaGrange, IMO.
OK....maybe "every bit as good as" is more accurate.

Plus, the store in Ellinger is much easier in-and-out than getting off at the LaGrange exit and having to circle around.
Sorry for the late reply, just wandered over to this board....

Try the Kolache Shop here in Taylor, fruit ones are as good as my aunts used to make. Klobasniks are huge, almost a whole link of sausage in them, but usually a little dry (and don't even ask if they have cheese in them, cause you'll probably get cussed out, that ain't real Czech...)