Durkee's NW Austin thread made me think of a couple more.
I think it's called Galleria Oaks shopping center, where Reale's is at 183 and Anderson Mill. At the south end is a restaurant that went through a bunch of incarnations, including an ill-fated attempt by Austin Java Company to suburbanize itself. Right now it's a Vietnamese place called the Tea House, which has been there for maybe 2 or 3 years, I guess. Maybe the curse is broken.
Same center, one of those island restaurants in the parking lot that orginally was a Shoney's. If memory serves, I think it was a Ray's Steakhouse (?) for a while, then the north Hole in the Wall (round peg, meet square hole, no pun intended) and maybe one or two other things in between - a cheesesteak place or something? I may be getting my islands confused because there was also a Shipley's Donuts and a Golden Fried Chicken in there somewhere. Anyway, it's a Hoover's Cooking now; hopefully that will stick.