Quit being such a blind partisan. Republican leaders aren't going to do anything, because most of them don't really want anything done about illegal immigration. If Obama gets lax on it, they'll rip him publicly but pat him on the back privately. Hell, he probably got a bunch of gift baskets from Republican donors for doing this.
Do you think Bob Perry of Perry Homes wants to stop illegal immigration? Hell no. They make it so he can build houses with cheap labor, cheat on his taxes, and make the taxpayer and local hospitals be his workers' compensation provider. Well, guys like Bob Perry and people who invest in Bob Perry types bankroll the GOP. They pander on the issue, but deep down they want nothing done about it and fight efforts to do anything behind closed doors. That's why we do nothing about it at the state level in Texas, even though the GOP runs everything.
Democrats are lax on immigration because they want to flood the country with Hispanics whom they hope will vote for them (illegally now and legally in the future), and Republicans want them here so their contributors can rip the public off. Both parties are run by a bunch of unpatriotic crooks with bad motives, and on this issue, they both suck and suck equally.
As for Obama, he may be trying to change the rules administratively rather than statutorily, which is wrong. However, the Bush and Clinton administrations simply chose not to enforce the rules on the books, which violated their oaths of office. Which is worse? To me, they're about the same.