Kim Son coming to Austin


250+ Posts
I for one am very excited about this! I still haven't found any Vietnamese restaurants that I like here.

Sorry, no linky to confirm but my brother's friend is an investor and says it's 100% happening. Already under construction at the Chinatown Center on N. Lamar and is scheduled to open in September.

Here's a link to one of the Houston locations. Mmmm... Singapore noodles...
this is excellent. that place is one of the few redeeming things about houston.

not to compare them to kim son but just to address your comment about not finding good vietnamese food in austin, have you ever been to sunflower or the sea dragon? both on research blvd., and both excellent.
Yeah, when my Vietnamese friends come in from Houston we always go to Sea Dragon. They seem to love that place and so do I, but that is the only one I have eaten at in Austin.
while sunflower and sea dragon have their tasty moments, they do not compare to the consistent high end quality of Kim Son dishes. Me being Vietnamese and growing up in Houston, my family would eat there often. I guess to help compare it to people that never eaten there, that would be like PokeJos compared to Muellers or Salt Lick (well it is to me anyways
No, Singapore noodles aren't Vietnamese, but it's one of my favorite items on the Kim Son menu. I also think they have the best Vietnamese eggrolls (the kind you wrap in lettuce) and bun.

I've been to Sea Dragon and I agree, it was decent. Much, much better than Kim Phung.
I've heard other recommendations for Sunflower but just haven't gotten around to trying it.
For pho, my favorite in Austin is at Tan My (used to be called Tan Tan) in a little strip center back BEHIND the Target strip center at 183 and Ohlen. It's not in that main strip center where Sunflower is, but rather it's in a much smaller strip center behind the Target, where Ohlen and Peyton Gin split.
Le Soleil on N. Lamar is easily the best Vietnamese restaurant in Austin. Their Bo Luc Lac is amazing as are many of their other dishes. Try this place, you'll never eat vietnamese anywhere else again. And yes, its worth the drive.
Sounds good crayon, I'll definitely check it out.

But if you've never tried Tan Tan (now called Tan My) on Ohlen Road, you should do yourself a favor and try it. I've never had better pho anywhere in the USA, and their egg rolls are really good too, they are almost crack-like in their addictive powers.

I'll also be sure to check out Kim Son when it arrives. I absolutely love Vietnamese food.

No, it's in a tiny little strip center back behind that one and behind the Target. It's right where Ohlen and Peyton Gin split. If you're northbound on the 183 access road, turn right on Ohlen, continue past the Target, and it will be on your right. I think there's an Asian video store right next to it, or at least there used to be.
Went for dinner last night. It was... strange. I believe they've been open for about a month.

First things first: the food was as good as ever. That's the Kim Son I know and love.

Service: friendly but very disorganized. Our tabletop was pretty dirty and we had to ask someone to wipe it down.

Ambience: terrible. The main dining room is lit by gaudy crystal chandeliers emitting the most garishly bright light. No one could possibly look attractive in that light. We ate in the bar area, which has some booth seating and other table seating--and normal lighting.

I really want them to succeed in Austin. Hopefully, they can work out the kinks and make the whole dining experience as good as the food.

Grade: C
Isn't Kim Son that giant place on Jefferson, with a wedding going on upstairs just about every night? Great place, that one.
My favorite Vietnamese in Austin has been Tam Deli (on Lamar just north of 183), which, IMO, blows away Sunflower and Le Soleil, both of which I find a bit unpleasant. Tam is run by two really nice sisters and their two husbands.

Does Kim Son have sandwiches?