Kill-ebrew vs Wheeler

If you start at Texas you are going to be pretty darn good. Killebrew and Wheeler were football players that both made some nice plays. I recall Wheeler played especially well in the Sugar bowl. Killebrew gave us some good plays as well, had good speed, played big but was a bit undersized. He was a nice dude too. He did run his mouth at times on the field and got some late hits but that sometime is needed.

99% of fans only focus on 3-4 plays a player makes or doesn't make. In reality you get graded on all 80 plays or whatever they are doing these days. If you really want to evaluate a player you need to watch the entire game, focusing on that player. Otherwise your analysis is incomplete and you suck at analyzing!
If you start at Texas you are going to be pretty darn good. Killebrew and Wheeler were football players that both made some nice plays. I recall Wheeler played especially well in the Sugar bowl. Killebrew gave us some good plays as well, had good speed, played big but was a bit undersized. He was a nice dude too. He did run his mouth at times on the field and got some late hits but that sometime is needed.

99% of fans only focus on 3-4 plays a player makes or doesn't make. In reality you get graded on all 80 plays or whatever they are doing these days. If you really want to evaluate a player you need to watch the entire game, focusing on that player. Otherwise your analysis is incomplete and you suck at analyzing!

So who was the D’s weakest link?
If you're limiting it to "full-time non-injured played-more-than-most starters only," then your pool of guys is dramatically limited. Wheeler was ok but had his share of missteps. By "misstep capita," like the number of botched plays compared to the number of plays he was in, PJ Locke would surely contend for the throne.
You’ve yet to address my criticism. Name a starter on D worse than Wheeler.

So you rode the pine on a good team? Let’s hear about your individual awards. I’ll compare those any day.

Insults are easy when you make them up. If we’re assuming, I’d say you live in an old person’s home and stare at your trophies for hours each day with your only happiness derived from nostalgia or you live in a rundown house that you’ve lived in for 50 years with an unhappy wife and complain on end about rising taxes.

Last thing: did you go to UT?

It's a moot point, the season is over and he is finished as a player. Thank you Mr Wheeler for giving your all to the University of Texas, good luck with future endeavors. Nothing else needs to be said.

However, if he was the worst defender it's only because he was out of place in the Big 12. His skill set was much better suited for the SEC or the Big 10, but even then he still made some big plays for Texas while he was here and deserves praise for that.

Making a thread insulting a player that is done by insulting another player that has been gone for 15 years is ridiculous and shows how little you know about sacrificing yourself for this University and this game.

Your just mad that you are a loser and feel the need to point fingers at others to make yourself feel better about your pathetic life.

This is my last post in this thread, I've said my peace when it comes to threads like this and nothing else need be said. I'm not going to roll around in the mud with a pig.
What do you have against pigs? They are some of the smartest animals in the kingdom, and unfortunately smarter than some of our fellow posters.

It's a moot point, the season is over and he is finished as a player. Thank you Mr Wheeler for giving your all to the University of Texas, good luck with future endeavors. Nothing else needs to be said.

However, if he was the worst defender it's only because he was out of place in the Big 12. His skill set was much better suited for the SEC or the Big 10, but even then he still made some big plays for Texas while he was here and deserves praise for that.

Making a thread insulting a player that is done by insulting another player that has been gone for 15 years is ridiculous and shows how little you know about sacrificing yourself for this University and this game.

Your just mad that you are a loser and feel the need to point fingers at others to make yourself feel better about your pathetic life.

This is my last post in this thread, I've said my peace when it comes to threads like this and nothing else need be said. I'm not going to roll around in the mud with a pig.

Again, “you’re”
Please delete this thread. This is what’s wrong in the world right now. Just division and criticism no one lifting anyone else up. We all have our faults but we can’t see our own because we are too focused on everyone else’s.
My favorite part has been when one user accused another of being jealous of his username.

...what?? Has this ever happened in RealityLand?
"Oh man, that guy has such a sweet username! I'm jealous! I think I'll be an ******* to him only because his username is so cool."
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My favorite part has been when one user accused another of being jealous of his username.

...what?? Has this ever happened in RealityLand?
"Oh man, that guy has such a sweet username! I'm jealous! I think I'll be an ******* to him only because his username is so cool."
That's why mine is so lame. AC......what the hell is that about?
Austin Bill has never had AC

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