and I just remembered Erxleben did get injured, he pulled a quad muscle I think. If we do try to get this kid to do all three, and I am speaking strictly his last three years, I am thinking kind of like I was thinking about the backup QB before the season started.
Here are my "rules" for putting in a backup at a scoring position.
1. Second half
2. up by 21 points or more.
Yes, I really would put in the backup when ahead by 21+, I don't care who we are playing. The key is the first team punt team, kickoff team, extra point team, FG team, whatever team it is, the first team is in there except for the kicker.
Our D is so good, if we were to get a punt blocked, returned for a TD and the score became 28-14, our D is gonna stop them. Because we're going to leave our 1st team D in there.