She's been wowwed by both schools she has visited. No reason to expect that Texas won't do the same. Frankly, I would be surprised if she hasn't been recruited by all the coaches that were at different schools four or five years ago. I think Coach Blair is the only one still at the same school from then.
I'm watching the Illinois at Michigan game. Considering that Kelsey is coming next weekend when UT is playing OU at Dallas, I think Kelsey is not considering how the football teams do in her decision.
My only concern is what type of relationship the UT coaches have with the family as that seems to be very important to the Bone family. There are a lot of pros and probably not many cons in the schools she's thinking about.
She's doesn't seem like she would be an outside player but, if she has that threat, more power to her. And I sure hope that she decides to come to Austin.
I believe they have a total of five spots open for 2009. I couldn't find anyone from the 2009 class that has committed to them. Maybe someone else has more current info on their 2009 commits. But the Gamecocks look like they could certainly take both Reed and Bone.