Keith Ellison is running for the open DNC Chair

It sounds like the guy is asking "who benefited from 9/11," and Ellison responded as such. Having said that, Ellison is the last person the Democratic Party needs running it. He might be an economic populist, but I don't see white working class voters ditching Trump to support a black Muslim crackpot.
I saw Dennis Miller on O'Reilly the other night. I agree with his take. Protesters should keep doing what they are doing and the DNC should hire this nut. That will definitely bring back the power to the Dems. Yep, that'll do it. Go get 'em!
Ellison pulled out of interview when told he'll be asked about past comments in defense of Farrakhan (Ellison is a defender Farrakhan)

I would find it ironic for guilty white liberals to have their party desert them just like the dem party deserted the anti-communists, the tax cutters, business folks and now the working class.
I would find it ironic for guilty white liberals to have their party desert them just like the dem party deserted the anti-communists, the tax cutters, business folks and now the working class.

The guilty white liberals are the ones holding the money.
It would certainly be a big change for them

Not really. Like the article said, such contributions were banned under dws's predecessor, and they were never a big part of the Party's funding. Ellison basically admits that it's about optics, not reality.
Not really. Like the article said, such contributions were banned under dws's predecessor, and they were never a big part of the Party's funding. Ellison basically admits that it's about optics, not reality.

The DNC receives benefits in some form from lobbyists every day
If that's who I think it is, she's trying to build her street cred. She's from Idaho, which doesn't have enough blacks to fill the inside of a respectable bathroom.

fact check_ true
i was once "seeing" a black girl and i wanted to go rafting up there (Snake River) but she refused to go. and this is why
fact check_ true
i was once "seeing" a black girl and i wanted to go rafting up there (Snake River) but she refused to go. and this is why

Interesting. I've never "seen" a black girl, but if I was looking for one, Idaho wouldn't be the first place I'd look.
If that's who I think it is, she's trying to build her street cred. She's from Idaho, which doesn't have enough blacks to fill the inside of a respectable bathroom.

I can attest. Idaho is about as lilly white as any State in the nation. In my experience, Wyoming is the only state that may be more Caucasian.
Ahhh Idaho, where I expressed concern to my daughter that I was uncomfortable with the fact my grandkids were going to a HS where there were zero,,,,zero blacks. No lengthy moralistic diatribe just that now, in the 21st century it seemed awkward and not doing them (the kids) any favors for whatever their life situations might bring. I dunno, somehow just seemed wrong to me, and I am no do gooder or anything like that, but I didn't like it. However otherwise I love Idaho,,,,or at least what I have seen as a visitor.
Yeah I guess Sally Boynton Brown has to be that extreme to even have a chance.

But listen to Keith Ellison; "First of all, the DNC has to acknowledge and respect that Black Lives Matter are responding to urgent social and justice problems in our country. What I would say the DNC needs to do is to offer itself, reform and make itself into the kind of place that Black Lives Matter feels it can channel its electoral energy.”

If they elect Ellison, and it looks like they will, BLM will be running the party. To these guys, white people are an embarrassment and a liability.
I can attest. Idaho is about as lilly white as any State in the nation. In my experience, Wyoming is the only state that may be more Caucasian.

What do you have against white people?
It is past time for some consistency in this country on these type of charges
Enough with the double standards
What do you have against white people?
It is past time for some consistency in this country on these type of charges
Enough with the double standards

Did I say I have anything against them? I was simply stating my experience with diversity. I lived in Wyoming for 8 years. There you are either Caucasian or American Indian with a hint of Mexican mixed in. Their exposure to African Americans or Asians is extremely limited.
Did I say I have anything against them? I was simply stating my experience with diversity. I lived in Wyoming for 8 years. There you are either Caucasian or American Indian with a hint of Mexican mixed in. Their exposure to African Americans or Asians is extremely limited.

Lets us test your theory that you alone are free of racism. Discuss this.....

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