Keep Austin Weird??


25+ Posts
I have seen the shirts and just wanted to know where I can get one? Do they have stickers? I really like and believe in the motto and just wanted to help. Thank in advance.
Various Austin establishment. The Chuy's, Hula Hut, Shady Grove, Amy's,, some store on W. 6th. I'm sure there are other places as well.
Screw all of that. Make this city normal.

The day sixth street and South Congress are nothing but chain establishments will be the best day in the history of Austin.
I saw that shirt on a girl when I was on vacation in Chicago a few weeks ago. First time I'd ever seen it and It made me do a double-take. I've seen it a bunch ever since I got back to TX.
i grew up in Austin, I wish it would revert back a bit more on the wierdness-meter. it's too california/dallas/houston whatever. it needs its old character back. not that it sucks now, it's still miles better than most places