Keenan Robinson

What'd he do? Please be as descriptive as possible.

Wish I could've seen it. ABC switched over to CU-FSU with about 4 minutes to play in the third.

I'm killing the messenger, but I HATE John Saunders. And you would, too, if you lived outside of Texas or Arkansas.
I was impressed that they kept calling his name in the second half. Good effort from this young man. Looking forward to more great things from him ahead.

The ABC crew said #1 (Keenan Robinson) was making so many tackles, it seemed like there was more than one of him on the field.

And in other props, Blaine Irby got great mention (and a nice interview sitting on his motorchair) from the sideline reporter.

The future is bright on defense. I can't recall a unit with so many freshman players making so many outstanding plays and showing so much potential.

Aaron Williams
Keenan Robinson
Emmanual Acho
Earl Thomas
Blake Gideon
Christian Scott
Kheeston Randall
Ben Wells
Nolan Brewster
Michael Wilcoxon

There is our future. And I like how it looks.
Keenan was burned on one deep pass play, but the pass was so terrible it didn't matter. But the receiver was a good 5 yards behind him. Other than that, he was doing a great job of run support, and made some great hits.