kayaking/canoeing on Lake Austin


< 25 Posts
I've been wanting to do this for a long time and with graduation looming, my time in Austin is drawing to a close. So the woman and I are planning on going next week during one of our dead days.

Has anyone been before? I heard it costs around $35, which doesn't sound too bad. I'm most concerned about where exactly I need to go to get started and rent a kayak/canoe. Any advice would be appreciated.
I'd conoe on town lake. It's 8-10 an hour depending on where you get your boats (Zilker, a place up the river from zilker on statford, and somwhere near the hyatt). They give you the paddles/oars, life jackets, and, if they're not busy, probably a short lesson, too.

On LA, you'd have to fight powered watercraft.
The Rowing Dock off of Stratford next to Zilker park. You can rent single, double, or triple kayaks that either sit in the water or on top of the water, and they have those water cycle things as well. I can't remember pricing exactly, but I think the double is 15 for an hour.
it is a lot of fun, I prefer individual kayaks to canoes, two people of varying strengths and no training just can't paddle together very well. your own kayak, and you sort of have some mobility, but you can still be very close and hang out and stuff.