they needed to get Kavanaugh because he is the needed fifth vote to get rid of the constitutional right to abortion they are so in love with. They could not get him on qualifications, he was over qualified. So a harpy from Silicon Valley pops up with a story about a weenie wagging episode or some such back when they were both teenagers and voila, they have a tenuous grasp on something that might derail him.
Her story is full of holes and they can't budge enough republicans so he goes on the court. I got screamed at two weeks ago by an Austin friend for suggesting the woman was maybe less than a full decker and that I could care less what he was wagging thirty years ago. They take this as heresy. As some of you may have noticed, I am not Trump's biggest fan, but this sexual blackmail pattern is so totally out of control that it is difficult for me to see how it stops.
I guess after they have burned enough witches it will subside. Hope so, otherwise there will be a lot more Kavanaughs. And Bidens. Biden is ok to them on abortion, is for open borders and reparations and the rest of the witches brew of progressive causes so he gets a pass from some. But a reading of the progressive press suggests to me that he may get sunk in this maelstrom. You don't have to have all the progs leave the ship------a fraction of them leave and his margin of victory in the swing states disappears and we get four more years of IT.
If you don't think this is a possibility, look at how the regulars are circling the wagons and keep in mind that enough of them voted for Nader a few cycles ago to cost them the presidency.