You assume all posters in here live and vote in Texas. This is clearly wrong. You also assume Trump was an automatic in Texas in 2016 when, at the time, almost every big media company on the entire world was giving Hillary a chance in Texas. Only in hindsight are the results obvious. Lastly, writing in Big Bird wont make you correct, or an outlaw or a radical or whatever it is you are going for. It would just be silly.
Everybody had their own reasons and their own circumstances for opposing Candidate Trump, and I can only speak for myself. I voted against him for two reasons. First, I had major policy differences with him. I'm not going to regurgitate those differences in this thread, because they've already been discussed ad nauseam, but they were substantial. If you disagree with me enough, I won't vote for you, even if you have an opponent with whom I have more policy differences. Second, he was making the conservative brand needlessly toxic to many groups of people, and I did not want to associate with or be a part of that.
Having said that, fortunately, from a policy standpoint, President Trump has been different from Candidate Trump. He has mostly jettisoned the worst and most idiotic things he ran on, and on foreign policy (where I had my biggest disagreements), he has done perhaps not a 180 but at least a 150.
Furthermore, I do not consider myself "NeverTrump," even if I called myself that during the campaign. Once he won the election, I committed to judging him by his actions on the merits. I'm not going to oppose him just for the sake of opposing him or because I have sour grapes. I'm a critic, but I'm a fair critic or at least try to be. If he does wrong, I'll call him on it. But if he does right, I will commend him for it. Like any other president, he's entitled to that.
As for how toxic he is making the conservative brand, that is yet to be seen. We have an election next month. We'll see how that goes. If the GOP loses a bunch of suburban congressional seats to a bunch of crazy people because educated white voters who recently were loyal Republicans are turned off by Trump, that won't reflect well on Trump.