
Just saw it. Liked it. Heart-warming comedy that works.

I don't think Bateman's character wanted to bone Juno. The connection between them just kind of happens. They had a lot in common, and his wife wasn't really doing it (in terms of connecting with what he likes and reciprocating it).

I've shared the same experiences w/ my brother's girlfriend (hope he's not reading...eh). Me and her have more in common than she does with my brother. The connection, combined with the setting, can lead to questionable outcomes that would be rejected by anyone from the outside looking in.

Liked the movie. Liked the music, will look for the songs.
--cue the "ur bro's gf is your sister!"--

Bob Harris and Charlotte's relationship in Lost in Translation comes close to that, in my opinion. Most of those things happen by accident.

That aspect of Juno totally caught me off guard and I did not expect to see such a subtle element in a Mikey Cera movie. Jennifer Garner's character reminds me a lot of people I know.
i didn't like it.
had a few good laughs and it took on a very popular topic..

but it sucked. and the soundtrack is what nearly killed the movie for me. worst ******* music ever.
Finally saw it last night.

Good movie, but I was a little underwhelmed given the praise it has received.

A lot of my comments have been covered already, but I do want to reiterate a few points. First, this movie tried way too hard to be hip and indie. From the opening graphics to the soundtrack to the dialogue to the name-dropping. When Jason Bateman mentioned "the Melvins," and then Juno said her favorite bands were Iggy and the Stooges and the Runaways and some other band, I almost threw up.

Before I saw the movie, my buddy's wife said it was almost like watching Dawson's Creek where you had 16 year olds talking like adults, and that it was almost not believable. She was kind of right. The dialogue was almost too well scripted.

Jennifer Garner should win an Oscar for best supporting actress.

J.K. Simmons is one of my favorite working actors.

There were enough honest, touching moments in the movie that I did like it. But there were way too many forced "hip" moments for my taste.

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