You have a point, I forgot that all of the science was considered part of CAS. With that said, everything not based in math or science in CAS is what I would consider a "dummy" major.
After looking through it though, math/science only accounts for about a quarter (22.8%; 13 of 57) of the majors in CAS.
As for not being up to UT standards, you do realize USC is ranked 27th-nationally by U.S. News & World Report, while UT is 47th. Granted, it's strange for me to try and uplift USC over UT-Austin (I've been a diehard Longhorn fan my whole life, just transferred out here), but USC is a VERY good school.
I will now gracefully bow out of this conversation, as I feel it may get too silly trying to discuss this here.
As for your football players, I am glad you got some of the good ones who did some work. In all my classes so far out here, I haven't seen anything similar.