Jake Maulerson...

"Good morning Mr. Raulerson...welcome to University of Texas football. Do you have a preference of what position you would like to play? You'll notice our assistant coaches are lined up over there by name...just go over and pick the one you would like to have the honor of coaching you for the next few years."
I'm with Hu_Fan. If Jake ["Jake from State Farm", haha] has better-than-Allstate good hands and can catch, then he could be the killer sumo ninja at TE that we've always wanted and flirted ever so close to having (e.g. with Irby before his injury) but have never reached. A TE who can absolutely seal the edges on an outside run, and also charge past opposing linebackers to make a clutch catch on 3rd downs or in red zone situations would be a WMD in a Harsin offense.

But a guy like Raulerson has so much flexibility, imagining all of the possibilities is like a hallucinogenic drug.

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