Jake Matthews


100+ Posts
I've heard that Mack Brown was at Elkins High School today recruiting Jake Matthews, Class of 2010. 6'5, 275 Tackle, Son of Bruce Matthews. Some ranking source (forget who) has him at #3 in the state. Unfortunately, his brother plays center at A&M. Hope we pick him up anyway!

Rivals says he has offers from Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Stanford, A&M, and Tech

Jake Matthews
There has been a lot of chatter about the Horns interest. I don't think they have really made an effort until now from all the people I have talked to and from what Bruce has personally told them. Hopefully that changes fast, especially if Mack made his way down there today. Getting him and Jackson Jeffcoat would be phenominal!!!
His brother, Kevin, did walk on but has since been given a scholarship. My sons have grown up with the Matthews boys and according to Jake, it's between USC, Texas and Aggy. I am doing my best to push him to the 40 acres. He is one heckuva good kid.
My mom taught the Matthews kids (and Chris Ogbonnaya) confirmation class. I have a football autographed by Bruce sitting next to me. That is one fine family with a good group of boys (when they were younger, most of us thought the girls were tougher and would make better football players). You cannot deny the genetic talent is there when looking at Bruce, Clay, and their dad. Plus, Bruce married a USC cheerleader who is tall and strong herself. The Matthews kids really get it from both sides of the family tree.

Again, they are also good kids.
Jeffcoat is the real deal, but who knows how he finally shakes out.

According to people who have seen Matthews he certainly has the potential to be a bookend.

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