jackie sherrill's hobby...

Oh yeah. Need to get more beer. Start car. Circus music is blaring from radio. Break knob turning off radio. Conclude that this will require a case at The Stop and Rob. Slowly look up as I'm digging for money at the counter to notice Bozo the Clown is on the other side. Scream like girl. Attempt to flee (grabbing case first) when I now notice Bozo is the clerk that's always here, and he's slowly reaching for something under the counter. Pay for beer, get home, lock the door. Look up 'sue' in the yellow pages. Corso's going down.
There is a clown in the End Zone Club giving balloons to the kids. He is kind of spooky. Kept my distance from him the entire time. If he is there Saturday,will ask if he has any good pinups of Sherrill.
Jackie is one sick mofo. I get weirded out everytime I think of him wearing a clown outfit and twisting rubber balloons to form who know what kind of shapes.

I bet a pyschiatrist can tell us alot about his twisted background.

I think I'll shower again.
trkhorn is right. SI did a story on Jackie Sherrill entitled "Who IS this clown?" JS did indeed get a kick out of visiting restaurants (with a buddy also in full clown regalia). No one knew who they were because neither of them ever spoke a word while in clown dress. I assume they either mimed their orders or did a lot of pointing.