Jackalope > Casino el Camino?

nych 1

250+ Posts
I ate a pretty tasty burger at Jackalope for the first time last weekend. I have not eaten at Casino yet. Please educate me as to why one is better than the other. Thanks in advance.
i have not eaten at jackalope, but here is why casino el camino is better...

it is physically impossible to create a more perfect burger than what they have at casino el camino
This is like the burger thread version of the "belly chain on a man" question.

Jackalope is ok, and they have a great 2 for 1 thing on Wed, but Casino is king.

It is cooked slow and tender by a very angry man in a small, well-lit, kitchen.

It is hard to describe the burgers at Casino, you must try one.

I have tried each one on the menu and all of them work, my favorite is the buffalo, they make their own hot sauce and slather on the bleu cheese, it is just a magical thing.

I had one last week. All you guys that haven't tried it, should.Hard to say if it's in the same league Casino - but I think it may be a contender.

Unfortunately their fries suck arse.