It's not racist to state facts.

So the thugs who burned and pillaged their own community were just expressing their disagreement with the fact that a grand jury did not indict because there was not enough evidence?? So they were just expressing a desire for "justice" even though the facts were not on their side?? Really?? Torching business, many who were owned by blacks, is OK but a white police officer trying to protect himself from a criminal thug who tried to get his gun is not? Jeez. This country's days are numbered. I have up to now refused to let a gun come into my house. I am pretty close to changing my mind.
Look: I don't know anybody who thinks the burning and looting is OK. I haven't seen anybody on this board defend it, or even Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton for that matter.

I think the Grand Jury did the right thing because Darren Wilson was not going to be convicted based on the circumstance and evidence.

I also say "Ferguson" has a broken system in which there is not connection and affection between the police and the community they serve. It's not the ideal model for community protection. AustinBat, that's not the same as saying it's OK to loot and burn, nor is it advocating hiring unqualified police officers. It is saying the city needs a creative solution that is different than what it has been doing.

Setting up cameras to record all police interaction, like the Brown family has requested, would be a start.
Fact number one: when you rob a store and assault a cop you will get shot. Fact number two: see fact number one.
I'd really like to know what this means;' It is saying the city needs a creative solution that is different than what it has been doing. "

Do you have some report or link that suggests the mostly white police force( white because no blacks apply) has treated the lawful mostly black citizenry in a racist way?

on another note this story may explain why what Officer
Wilson did was appropriate and within his police training.
The Link

A police officer died when a man charged his vehicle and used the officers gun to kill him.
Well said, Husker. As with so many issues, let's hope the sensible middle ground prevails.

The hard-core liberal position ("Wilson and his fellow cops are racist pigs who oppress minority citizens. We must rise up in opposition.") is plagued by a fundamental misunderstanding of what really happened.

The hard-core conservative position ("Brown was a thug and he got what he deserved. We must establish law and order so that the protests don't get further out of control.") gets the facts of this incident right. But it ignores the background and historical context, which are what allow incidents like this to spiral out of control.

The in-between position ("Wilson was just doing his job, but his actions touched a nerve in the community. Let's see what we can do to improve the situation so it doesn't happen again.") is the one that might actually make a positive difference down the road. It has in Watts and NYC.
I agree it makes no sense. Heck even the Ferguson Chief knew that it made no sense
Did you read the link I posted?
The one where the Police 'chief explained what he'd done to try to hire blacks?
Or do you think the standards should be lowered just to have unqualified blacks on the force?
I was an upper level manager for a large pharmaceutical company. We too had issues hiring minorities, even though the pay was fairly significant, a company car included, plus excellent benefits.

Each of us had to support a local university for diversity hiring days, and my schools, located in San Antonio included UTSA, Trinity, and Incarnate Word. I had a quota of both Hispanic and black candidates I had to bring in every year or I would get a moderate "ding" on my year end review.

However, no matter what I did, the turn out for these interview days was very small, and the candidate's that did show up were not up to par as for our grade standard, or just a poor fit.

It got to the point that my boss expected me to start finding time to go out to basketball games, track meets, football games, etc. in order to find minority candidates--at which point I decided to take my "ding". You can't hire what you can't find, even when you try very hard. I imagine a nice soft job as a pharmaceutical rep would be much easier to recruit for than a job as a policeman. The funny think is, it is the exact opposite here as far as Fire Fighters go--if you are white, you have no chance at all.
In reply to
I'd really like to know what this means;' It is saying the city needs a creative solution that is different than what it has been doing. "

Seattle and NJ Longhorn have already given good answers. There are certainly some great examples of big city police departments doing "community" policing that builds relationships. Watts and NYC have some great examples.

I've been close to some municipal governments and to implement change of this sort may require new police department leadership or at least some trusted outside consultants with expertise in what's worked elsewhere. There will have to be meetings with people from business, schools, neighborhood groups, the black community, etc. and there is going to have to be a lot of genuine listening. It's not going to be simple or easy.

A police department is a lot more complex and has a lot more inertia than a football team. Changing a culture, changing results, etc. takes leadership, resolve, skills, time, patience and likely will involve some missteps and correction.

The change required can't be described in a paragraph or two. It will be the results of hundreds of hours of study and training. Optimal results will be when people in every neighborhood know the officers on the beat, call them on their personal cell when they think the officer needs to know something or they have questions about how to handle problems. The cops will be a welcome sight at barbecue or neighborhood meeting and will share meals and high fives with people on their beats.
Reading this thread is nauseating. One of the lefts most common themes is "It takes a village" and now I see that only applies to white villages. Otherwise they cant help themselves in which case hiring more black cops is the answer.

How can the black community reduce rapes, murders, thefts, etc? It starts by teaching respect instead of the idea that nobody can tell you what to do. RAGE AGAINST THE SYSTEM!

The next step is to start communicating with each other when things happen. Cops and government wont ever fix that. They'll have to do that on their own which is not likely to ever happen considering the mentality of the community. "I'm out to get mine!"

Third is trust. Folks in those communities don't trust each other, much less the cops nor any outsider. Until they can trust their neighbor they'll never trust the cops nor any authority figure.
So Watts is a great place to live now? C'mon man read between the lines. Who runs Watts? Please don't say the police.....

Is it the Crips or the Bloods that run that part of town? That is one of the most organized crime organizations in the country. They have realized they need to get the crime out of their neighborhoods and the cops thinking everything is safe so they can conduct their business.....sheesh.....
The reference to Watts is to some community outreach efforts that are starting to build trust between police and the community. The Link
Police there had a choice to continue on the traditional policing model, which wasn't working, or try something different. It's better in Watts than it was, but I prefer to live in suburbia. Funny thing though, even here in the burbs Highland Village or Flower Mound follow the "community policing" model.

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