Islamic Terrorist

I guess You thinking 'speaking out" is enough for moderate muslims to do.
because all this speechifying and fatwahing is really helping the thousands of muslims being killed every single day, rright?
and you for some reason want to ignore the point that there are supposedly hundreds of millions moderate muslims.
if as they say these islamists do not represent true islam then why doesn't even a hundred million of the moderates organize and fight the radicals?
If the radicals can and do it then surely the much larger groups of moderates can do it, save their religion and on by the way thousands of other muslims at the same time..
Why not? How about the head of CAIR calling for a worldwide organization to stop the islamists from defiling their " peaceful religion"

When was the last time you heard of a pastor or priest preaching as doctrine any call from the old testament to kill anyone?
How many imans are there out there quoting the Koran and calling for killings?
Why are you making silly stuff up. I never said anyone from USA had to go, although I wonder why they don't feel they need to go to stop them., donating money to a world effort of moderates would be a start, if they really are upset about the islamists.
The point is there are hundreds of millions of so called moderate muslims who you say are so upset over their ' peaceful religion" being high jacked by radicals
and all they can do is speak out?
Nowhere within those hundreds of millions, maybe even a billion are there any peaceful muslims so angry that a few million are doing so much horror cruelty and murder in the name of islam that they can't organize and find enough other moderate muslims to stop this small number?

well that says a ton about all these hundreds of millions doesn't it?
But Hey!! moderates are how did you put it. oh yes finally waking up
so what will they do, write a strongly worded letter to the radicals to stop high jacking the peaceful religion?
I am glad you brought up the Westboro idiots and the idiot in Fla>
What exactly happened to the Westboro people when they try to protest a military funeral?
Did the other people who disagreed with the lunacy Westboro says it believes only write strongly worded letters?

How many people has the Westboro group killed?
oh and yes the Florida idiot
how many has he killed?
Do you know how silly you look trying to compare the Westboro group and a Fla loon to immense horror the islamists are doing every single freakin day all over the world?

do you honestly think more couldn't be done by the billion or more so called moderates?

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