Is Tony Riali a midget?


250+ Posts
I have nothing against the vertically-challenged, but I see why they have Tony behind a big table on Around the Horn. He is all head. And for god's sake learn some posture, man!
I thought he was talking about Tony the Dwarf. Is Tony Really a midget? Yes. Yes he is. But Dwarf is the prefered nomenclature.
So he's really six feet tall? Sure, and DJ Augustin is 6'5".

He really looked terrible on-screen, and he's all schtick (which I guess is why ESPN loves him).
The chair he was sitting in didn't do him any favors as his seat was much lower to the ground then the rest of the roundtable. I preferred Max Kellermen anyway. Dude was funnier and much more clever, IMO. Too bad he made a gigantic miscalculation in taking the FSN deal to do the show. He also took his friend down the abyss with him. The reporter from the Boston Globe who wrote the book about the Patriots, Parcells, and Belicek. I forgot his name. Black guy with dreads.

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