Is this Why Texas Had a play called ...

Probably already covered in the thread but HOLY COW you step out of the house and someone has a good camera you'd better have buttoned every button.....I guess it goes into that "if you're in public then you're game for photographers/filmers" but man I'm amazed at this whole development. I will sort of categorize this as a Social Justice Warrior effort. Guess whoever snapped the photo thought "I'll either get inside dish on their play calling or hopefully something juicy" and they got it.
The phrase we've ALL grown accustomed to is something like...."well, THAT sucks..." We've forgotten that it refers to performing oral sex on a male. Try responding to a 5-year old kid who asks when hearing it and says: "What does OU sucks mean?" Or "what does, well that sucks mean?"
Blonthang, this is an excellent observation. I had an interestingly discussion over the holidays with my 19 year old granddaughter who, for the record, knows everything about everything. The Guinness people should make contact with her because in my 65 years on this planet, I have apparently accumulated much less knowledge. But, I digress...

Anyway, we were discussing the meaning of “kinky” and she was arguing that it doesn’t exactly mean what we would read in Funk & Wagnalls. This time she might have had a pount.

The same can be said about the word “suck” in the context of OU Sucks, and if a 5 year old asked me the question, my answer would be that while the word is not very nice, when Texas fans say that “OU Sucks,” it means that we don’t like OU. I don’t believe that the sexual connotation generally applies in this case.

Neverthelessless, it would be better if fans would refrain...
Not disputing that ... but this isn’t an individual stepping out of the house.
I'm on board with you on etiquette, but, in the end, it's still a dude playing a football game. I'd be ok if he had a twitter account and got paid x $s for all the bs he spewed but it's still (sort of) amateur athletics which means can our society stop overanalyzing every step some 18-23 year old makes? We've all said "Lord, if they had a camera on me when I was in college, it wouldn't be pretty" some point there has got to be a backlash against the backlash. I don't know when that time will come, but I guess it'll get so sophisticated that, if someone pulls the SJW bs on someone, then someone else needs to immediately retaliate by finding dirt on the SJW in question, and they'll tell two friends, etc, etc.... I'll opine that no one is perfect, no college football program is perfect. So, let's get over ourselves a little when passing judgement on "stuff" like this. I guess it is the offseason, which gets us these sorts of topics....
backlash against the backlash.

Well ... if you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing and avoiding what you shouldn’t do, you don’t have to change from private to public.

I’m not out to bash Sam or anyone on the team, just a call for better behavior if indeed these photos are real

Granted, Alabama eventually stopped playing the song, but still. The tradition went on for a while.

It's not like this is the first time any college football fan has heard the F-word. And it wasn't intended for the public in the first place.

Wow terrible. I can’t wait until Saban retires, and Bama is average again.
Well ... if you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing and avoiding what you shouldn’t do, you don’t have to change from private to public.

I’m not out to bash Sam or anyone on the team, just a call for better behavior if indeed these photos are real
My wife is considerably younger than I and so very much more technologically adept. Says the photos are fake. Anyone can make anything up....
We just won a New Years Bowl
In NEW ORLEANS no less.
The team spent days there with no arrests.
No suspensions.
Nobody got sent home.
And this is what we want to get our panties in a wad over?

Draw liquid into your mouth through a straw; to be pulled into a tornado also known as "The Suck Zone": To suck; inferior to existing standards of excellence; inhaling wind due to a condition known as "Down to Seeds and Stems Again Blues"; an insult liberally used by fans of THE University of Texas Longhorn football fans when referring to the Oklahoma Sooners (Ex; OU sucks or BlowU).
"It don’t make a ****."
— Bill Bradley, when asked if he wanted heads or tails in the coin toss in the 1968 game against Texas A&M
I can hardly stand the shame, whatever shall we do? The good name of our fair university, publicly besmirched at the utterance of such vulgarity, and by a Longhorn legend no less! So much contrived, greater than thou outrage, so little time. :rolleyes1:
Wow. If this was 1985 or even 2005 no
One would have noticed or cared. Count me in as one who does not give a damn. I don’t care what the intent was.

Even if the authors hypothesis is true ...but it’s a dumb theory - imagine TH scheming about a way to troll Brad Smith- ...

Eureka! Arm band writing in font size of 9, now some nerd just has to photograph it, blow it up, digitally remaster it, and some other nerd write a story connecting it to Brad Smith... a fool proof plan! Muahaha read it and weep, Brad Smith!
Nah more than likely this is just some inside joke of a way to make a play easy to remember and never intended to make the news.

But even if it was some ridiculous Bond villain scheme to send someone a message BFD.
When Saban retires, Dabo will be the Bama coach. Not like much will change
Sabre, the winning yes. No change.
The distain for the overreacting coach will change.
I believe 99% of fans want Bama to lose because of the Bama fans, followed by hoping to see Saban heart explode because some 18 year old stepped into an A gap when he should have filled the B.
Saban can make mistakes, act a fool and getsca pass. Let a teenager make one- and it’s hellto pay.
Can’t stand him as a coach.
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There was another thread on this that ended with my speculating that this was a nod to the Mike Leach and the fake playbook in the OU game back when TH was here. Didn’t get a reply. Thoughts?
This thread absolutely baffles me. It seems like the median age for posters on here is in the mid 60's somewhere. It is no longer the world that we think it should be.

Have you been around young people these days. And not just college age, junior high on up.

This kind of language and disregard of "our" ideas of normalcy is the way it is, just as it was when we were that age. Who here didn't didn't try to get away with writing something on your cleats that was inappropriate (sometimes the coaches caught it, sometimes not).

And if you think the coaches should not allow it or condone it, go to any college practice (and way too many high school practices) and listen to the language.

Like it or not, it is the way of things now. Our world has lost its decency (as we see it). This whole thing is a tempest in a teacup.

Now, get the hell of my lawn.
This whole thing is a tempest in a teacup.

yes, you're correct about the degeneration and loss of decency ...

but it's not a tempest in a tea cup. it's endemic of the "removal of restraint"

I'm just going to encourage those who still have the ability to discern this isn't just college students being college students and the loss of decency, as tchill wrote, is not unexpected.

So, pay attention. This isn't the board for evangelism, per se, but I reckon all have an expectation of truth at some level. This is it.

What players say to one another is regulated for crying out loud ... rail about the rule book's declaring such to be a foul, but it's there and it's based in an expectation of good sportsmanship and good order.

I know profane language has become the norm in circles it previously wasn't ... and we have issues with appropriate restrooms, too.

I'm simply stating my disappointment in this ... much like the end of the Sugar Bowl, the team started losing its cool committing a series of personal fouls, including the throwing of punches.

Rather than simply celebrating the immanent victory with each other and congratulating their opponent on a strong effort.

Some of ya are not phased and some of ya even endorse this deal. I don't.
I think this is less of an indicator of degeneration of society, and more of an indication of the maximum-mass exposure there is to any little thing and every thing thanks to the internet.

Both my grandpas, both WW2 vets and exceptional human beings as I see them, had some wild stories to tell that make my generation X mis-adventures look tepid. Same with my dad.

My guess is if my grandpas were around to see this, they'd shrug. Maybe they'd have something to say about the words used, but they had their own version of foul language. But then talk about how Sam reminds them of one of their best friends from WW2 who they looked up to and how they respect the job Tom Herman is doing.
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I’m not out to bash Sam or anyone on the team, just a call for better behavior if indeed these photos are real

"If they are real"

I guffawed when I saw photo of said Sam wrist band, but I was still a little skeptical of the authenticity when I first saw it....
This thread absolutely baffles me. It seems like the median age for posters on here is in the mid 60's somewhere. It is no longer the world that we think it should be.

I am actually in my 20s, but for what it is worth, most posters THINK I am in my 60s :smile1:

I will note that the opinions in this thread for and against do not seem to be age based as posters who have previously identified as younger and older seem to be both for and against.

Personally, I do not feel strongly either way and agree both sides have merit. I agree with the side that says this is not classy and it is always better to be classy. I also played football, and even if it was just high school, I agree with the side that says “this is typical of the attitude that players have and need to have on this level.” Like on any issue where I think there both sides have merit and I do not feel strongly either way, I will neither condone nor condemn. Since there are no serious consequences and we are winning, I am for letting what is be.

That said, what makes Hornfans better is the older fans are far more knowledgeable
and have far more productive discussions than the younger fans. Older fans, for example, actually know who Bobby Layne, Cotton Speyrer and Eric Metcalf are and there is a lot less “presentism” when, for example, discussing the best UT players of all-time. Older fans also tend to know that saying “OU Sucks” every game, like when we are playing TCU and not OU, is VERY aggyesque. Even if they disagree with saying it at all, I think most will agree it should never been sang or yelled when we are not playing OU.
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I am actually in my 20s,

so the 77 represents the year of your Vette? :)

thanks for weighin-in ... being a younger feller ... can you tell if those photos are real? If they are not, can you help me prove it?

If they are real, as has been suggested by a couple posters ... it IS disappointing for many of the same reasons we have sportsmanlike conduct enforced.

I mean ... if this phrase is so inoffensive, why are the words not spelled-out? If it's so accepted, why not use that language in post-game interviews?

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