is Matthews BO's Cronkite?

Roger35, unlike many others on this board, I don't regard you as the idiot you try so hard to come across as. I regard you as tactically consistent, firmly committed to your objective, and holding no prideful attachment your handle "Roger35". For you that handle is merely a platform from which to operate, and as such you are willing to humiliate it repeatedly in the service of your objective, which is not to win arguments, but is instead intended to confuse the issue and thereby sap the opposition of dialectical momentum.

I guess the word is troll. You're not here to learn, or to exchange, or to debate, or to argue. You're here to stand in the way of those things by diverting attention away from the reality of your political ends and instead toward your adversaries' inevitable inability to live up to their own rules or ideals or sense of political virtue.

Saul Alinsky rule #4: "Make the enemy live up to its own rules."

That's easy to do, I suppose, once you divide the world neatly into enemies and allies, and once you commit yourself to the morally bankrupt position that no rules apply to you. But that's something you're going to have to live with.

To answer your question: I supported the war in Iraq. I wish we'd have fought it according to the Sherman doctrine and not the "hearts and minds" doctrine, which is ultimately less humane and less effective.
He's only an idiot if you judge him according to how successful he is at winning over people to his point of view. But that's not his purpose, and never has been.
Either it's drivel, or your stated position is at odds with itself. One of those two things is true.
You stated
' I also don't like the way the GOPs want to pull this country at the moment"

Sincere question. where do you see the GOP wanting to pull the country that you don't like?
Often missed is the fact that pro business policies help the poor, the working poor, the middle class, and the rich. Policies that aim to protect the poor by going after businesses and the wealthy inevitably hurt everyone. For example, many common workers became rich in California through stock options offered by start-ups. In an attack against the "rich", "greedy" CEOs, accounting rules changed so that stock options could only be valued at fair market price. Stock options were limited on common employees, yet CEOs still got their fair share. Thus, it hurt everyone but the greedy CEO.

Cronyism on the other hand hurts business more than it helps. Both parties partake in it. Lobbying does good by limiting anti-business legislation. However, lobbying does bad by creating anti-consumer legislation put into place as a windfall for business. For example, limiting corporate taxes may help foster business growth. On the other hand, credit card policies that allow banking to charge exorbitant fees and rates hurt consumers and keep banks from operating efficiently.

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