
Infantryman's Prayer

Almighty God, whose will it is that we be leaders of men.

Hear us as we come to you for guidance in this awesome

Let us never forget our duty in the men whom lead. May we instill in them the qualities of loyalty, integrity and duty.

Grant us the patience in dealing with the mistakes of our fellow man.

Let us never forget that no man is perfect, but that perfection for fragile humans is trying each day to be better than the day before.

Give us courage, O Lord, in the face of danger; keep us pure in heart, clean in mind, and strong in purpose.

Remind us that wisdom is not gained in an hour, a day, or in a year, but it is a process that continues all the days of our lives.

Keep ever before us our goal, which is not to perpetrate war, but to safeguard peace and preserve your great gift to man, Freedom.

May you always be near to guide us in decisions, comfort us in our failures, and keep us humble in our successes. We ask your divine blessings and leadership as we discharge the honor and responsibility of leading men in the service of our country.

Walk close to us always, our father that we may not fall.


For my brother and my cousin....May God guide you in soldierly duties.
Many prayers to the troops . I know someone in Falluja and it's scary there and all over Iraq, not just for the troops but the Iraqies that actually want and hope for peace.
I keep them in prayers daily. Two former students have gone and come back. One students at our school lost a brother at the end of the school year last year.

Yes, the troops are in my prayers. I know just a little about what they might be going through. I pray for there strength to endure, and fight for themselves, their buddies, and their country.

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